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1st Fathers day with a 12 week year old and couldn't be happier! Who would have thought being a father was so awesome!
1st pic of the all conquering Eaglehawk Under 14 Reserves. Grand finalists for 2015 and winner of every game they played during the home and away season.
They are the 1st Eaglehawk Junior footy club in at least 9 years to win a grand final and for most of the boys it's the 1st time that they have played in a footy grand final.
It isn't the 1st time that I've ended up being hoarse at the end of a footy game but it is the first time that I, and most of the boys, have been sunburnt at the end of the day. A gorgeous 24C day was put on by Mother Nature for this series of firsts.


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Well done guys, they can be few and far between something to be proud of ..... we lost ours by 7 points
1st time I managed to run a sequence from the Pi while controlling it from the iPad ( thanks to some help from Darylc )
1st post in i don't know how long... been busy working/studying/traveling all around the country, hope your all doing well i may stop by chat sometime this week and have a catch-up, land still along time before registration so getting impatient just want to build my house.... :mad: not much in the way of Christmas light plans and really annoyed with the Aussie dollar being so low... damn should have bought all my lights months ago, lol, :eek:
Will throw something together not as big as i planned but sure i can do something have decent... fingers crossed.
1st time a delivery has been too big for my Aus Post Parcel Locker - must be my first major order from Ray :) :)
Picking up tonight after work. I'm very excited!!
Firstly some background. benbrown has made up a bunch of strobes for ACL members :) . 1 Shipment headed to the US and all was good :) . The 2nd shipment was much bigger and due to my concerns about the size of it it was divided up and a number of people got theirs direct. The balance got shipped to me last week :) . On Thursday they hit Melbourne. In with that shipment was some P10 panels and connectors I ordered for myself. On Sunday the delivery changed status to something to do with a customs check :( . Monday, nothing happened. 1st thing this morning I got a call from DHL's customs department with a "please explain" :( . As I had things to do I zipped off and did them and came back and spent an hour putting together documentation that said the panels and connectors were mine and the strobes were paid for by a bunch of people. I sent screenshots, pdf's of bank balances, paypal balances and my invoice for P10's. I sent this off and headed off again. Around lunchtime I got back and had 2 emails. The 2nd said that the delivery had now cleared customs :)
For a few hrs I worked away madly and then at about 2 o'clock I was about to head out the door. My mobile rand and within maybe 30s my landline rang. 2 problems with 2 old jobs. Over the next hr I was on 4 phone calls to these 2 customers. Well customers of customers to be exact. Problems solved. A dicky power supply (Meanwell :eek: ) with 1 and unfamiliarity with the control system and inability to read a manual for the other. Off and picked up the kids from school and then home for a well deserved cuppa. During the cuppa the "power supply" electrician rang and we confirmed it was a power supply problem and I said I could duck over the road and organise shipment of a replacement (from my customer). I did that and 2 hrs later than expected I began my catalogue delivery route. Maybe 5 minutes into the route I got my 1st swooping from my friendly magpie. On his 2nd pass he made contact but he missed on the 3rd :) . About 20s later my mobile rang. It was my customer wanting to work out their part number so they could bill their customer. As I was still in magpie territory I continued riding 1 handed around the corner and about 100m up/down the road. I then proceeded to stop at a letterbox ready for a catalogue delivery when I got off the phone. The stop was more specco than expected. I had my 1st bike specco in more than 20 years. I had 10kg of catalogues in a bag hanging off the right handlebar, left hand was in control of the mobile clamped to my left ear and the right hand was in charge of bringing me to a stop. The right hand happens to operate the front disc brake on my mountain bike :eek: . Stopping 1 handed isn't that big an issue. Stopping while going down hill isn't that big an issue. Stopping on dirt isn't that big an issue. Stopping one handed with 10kg of catalogues which hang in front of the front axle while going downhill on a dirt footpath and only using the front brake was an issue. The front wheel snapped right. I got launched. I kicked who knows what on the way over the handlebars but I definitely made contact at knee and shin level with my right leg. I did manage to still keep the phone to my ear :eek: . I landed on my feet somehow. The bike cartwheel after me and judging by injuries it got me on the back of both of my legs. I survived at least and managed another hr on the bike before returning home and breaking the news of my 1st bike still since knowing my wife to her. It wasn't the 1st time she's laughed at me.
What a day.
Agreed, that is one epic day Allan! Perhaps a little holiday is required?!
Today has to be the 1st time since I was less then 10 years old that I've gone over the handlebars of my bike 2 days in a row. I was off delivering catalogues again. This time with about 20kg spread over both sides of the handlebars. I was slowing up for a crossroad then suddenly I was ejected off the bike (kicking the left handlebar with left shin) and standing in front of my bike. I thought ouch and also wtf. I turned around to work out why my bike felt I should be ejected and on the footpath there was a pothole a bit bigger than a bucket which was filled with beautifully mown grass and looked little different to the non-potholed footpath.
Got my 1st delivery from Ray this week so connected my 1st Pixlite 16 Long Range to my 1st PSU, connected my 1st string and ran my 1st test and all good so ran my 1st sequence and all good there as well.

This has to be a 1st for me that anything as gone so well the 1st time. :eek:

It will probably be the LAST time. :D

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