Perth/WA 2018 Perth Mini - Any interest ?

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Full time elf
Jan 3, 2011
I would like to see if there is any interest in having a WA mini, I know we are spead out over the state and if anyone wanted to travel to Geraldton I'm sure I can get permission to use my job as the location, We have full video connference facilities and use zoom often.

I'd be keen .. but I suspect getting to Gero might be a bit of a stretch, Perth is probably easier for everyone .. I'm based in Kalgoorlie so for me it would be 2 flights, or 2 days of driving to get there!
I'm Okay with Perth, I suggested Geraldton as I have a venue we could use and wanted to get the conversation stated to have a WA Mini
We'd be up for a Mini but it would have to be a winter MINI as our main business is seasonal and summer time is our High season!

Please note - we are extreme noobs so wouldn't be 'qualified' or 'experienced' to lead a session as yet...
The seem to be an interest, anyone know a venue that we could use that is free or very cheap?
Like last year I am keen to have one in Perth - long overdue. I know Gareth Adams has been trying to organise one and just last week he said that he would try to organise one for winter if there are sufficient numbers. No doubt he will respond to this.
OK Tony, haha. I am happy to host a mini this year at my house, perhaps around 16th June. In Perth, Northern suburbs. For those who can't make it or perhaps the travel distance is too much then we might look at doing a live feed. Interest?
I can’t make it this year but if it would help happy to web cast in a presentation. Did it for a few us minis last year. The Florida one had about 4 remote presentations.
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