5V RGB string from aliexpress

Pay through escrow, and if your going to combine shipping with other goods then get Ray to do a pro-forma invoice and have it put on his site so you can still pay through escrow. Paying escrow through Pay pal gives another level of protection as well.
The lights arrived within a week of me ordering them and I have now put them on one of my mini trees. I am controlling them with a DC SSR and powering them from the 5V rail of a computer power supply I found on the side of the road. I have sealed the wire entry with liquid electrical tape as it would be fairly easy for water to get into them through there.

They are bright and the tree looks a bit sparce but I think they should look okay. I am now going to leave them outside and water them on a regular basis and see how they go.

Here is an extremely dodgy video of them.

RGB demo.flv

What did 100 of these cost you to get landed in aussie?
Is the 100 just a strip with 100 of the RGB leds on them and if you order 1000 for instance is it a strip of 1000?

They look good other than the need for sealing. I'm now thinking that RGB could be added this year rather than next :)
AAH said:
What did 100 of these cost you to get landed in aussie?
Is the 100 just a strip with 100 of the RGB leds on them and if you order 1000 for instance is it a strip of 1000?

I ended up paying $56.53 Aus for 120 LEDs including shipping. It was 100 for the tree and 20 to play with.

They arrived as two strings of 50 and one of 20.

It has been absolutley bucketting down rain for the last two days so my tree has copped a real soaking. I will hook it up on the weekend and see how good my weather proofing has been.

After a few days of decent rain (100mm of rain in less than 48 hours at one stage) I fired up the mini tree and have 98 good LEDs and 2 that are dodgy. I am classing the weather proofing method as a success with the problem being me. The two LEDs that failed both have obvious holes in the sealant that I applied.

I have now got a length off wood with 12mm holes drilled every 80mm that I can sit the LEDs in and it will allow me to get the liquid electrical tape into the cable entry point better and also keep the LEDs upright until the stuff dries.

In the next month or so I will buy another 300 plus LEDs so that I can convert my 3 other mini trees.

If one is making a "string" of lights; I wonder if clear heat shrink tubing would work. Might be a pain stuffing 50+ elements into a 25' piece. The plastic would also conduct a bit of the emitted light, making the light appear larger.
LightChristmas said:
If one is making a "string" of lights; I wonder if clear heat shrink tubing would work. Might be a pain stuffing 50+ elements into a 25' piece. The plastic would also conduct a bit of the emitted light, making the light appear larger.

Do you mean clear plastic tube or are you actually talking of using clear heat shrink, im trying to understand what you mean by using clear heat shrink tubing and how you plan to use this