6803 strip with CCR controller


New elf
Dec 31, 2011
Ok I am stuck. I have been researching for about a week now and have not found anything. So here it goes. I purchased a CCR controller to attempt to connect http://www.ebay.com/itm/Dream-Color-RGB-5M-5050-Flash-LED-Strip-Light-94-change-6803-IC-Chip-/320762993347
which I purchased from ebay. Everything came and I attempted to connect the CCR controller to the strip (from a diagram on one of the posts on here). The computer recognizes the controller but I cant seem to get the lights to work. So the questions are:

1) Do you configure them the same as CCR's (I tried to follow the CCR instructions and got nothing)?

2) I noticed there is six wires coming off of this strip RGB and black, then spliced into the blue and black is a power adapter with black and white leads. So my question is doesn't the CCR power the strips? Do the white and black wire need to be removed?

3) The one thing I have not checked was the wiring from the 6803. Is there something I am missing in concerns to the wiring?

Any help would be great
Any diagrams or easy instructions would be wonderful as well.

Thank you in advance
If your running the controller in DMX then start here


Make sure you setup the LOR controller to be 150 channels without macros for testing. As if you use macros (i dont), the macros are actually the first channels then the 150 channels so really opposite to how its done when running LOR.

If using LOR S2/3 then just connect as normal for LOR into the network

Now 6 wires sounds odd unless 2 of the wires are just the same and used for power injection. There should be 4 different wires, +12v, GND, DAT and CLK. as far as which wire is which i will have to take a look later this evening. a photo of the wiring coming out of the strip your using may help.

I have sucessfully used the CCR controllers with both chinese 6803 strip and modules.

Caution you do not want to mix the power wires with the data wires or mix the +12v or gnd as this will damage the first pixel controlled section.
Thanks for that goofy,

I wouldnt power this up until you confirm your connections are correct to the controller or else it will damage the first pixel section of the strip.
I have had 6803 modules and strip both working from the CCR controller so I need to check when i get home what wire goes to what pin on the CCR controller.

+12V = Di
Data = Ci
Clock = St
0V = Li

For the extra 2 wires i would just leave and cut them off and only concentrate of the 4 main wires as these extra wires are used for power injection. As far as colours, these always vary depending on what is around at the time.
I wouldnt power this up until you confirm your connections are correct to the controller or else it will damage the first pixel section of the strip

Now you tell me. Thanks a lot LMAO; thats what DIY is all about learning what to do but most importantly what not to do. I am going to continue to play with it and I will post the results.

Thank you guys so much for your help, I truly appreciate it.

Another thing to keep in mind is that the RGB color order may well be different. I know the strips that LOR uses aren't the normal RGB sequence.
Were you able to purchase just the controller from LOR? or did you buy the CCR & Controller from them? How many strips can you control with one CCR controller from LOR?


The CCR controller will only control 1 strip in its 50 pixel per section configuration, as soon as you add another strip you then reduce the resolution so its 50 pixels over the 2 strips and the dimming steps are reduced. This is mainly due to bandwidth restrictions as the CCR effectively is a 5 bit 6803 strip that can do 2 million colours. 5 bit strip can only actually do 32000 colours but the way LOR have got the CCR to output 2 million colours is by sending the data out 4 times per cycle, so to get in between steps it will send a an extra bit that will eather be the next step or the previous step in intensity within the one cycle thus fooling the eyes that there are 2 million colours being produced by a strip that can only create 32000 colours.

I hope that makes some sense
Thanks eddy, it does somewhat. I have been reading and reading and re-reading the posts and have already read through the Aus Christmas Lighting for dummies a couple of times as well. I guess what I have a hard time understanding is when you see the pics and videos of a CCR "tree" with maybe 10+ strips, this cost someone $2500 US plus?!?! :eek:
jonnyci said:
I guess what I have a hard time understanding is when you see the pics and videos of a CCR "tree" with maybe 10+ strips, this cost someone $2500 US plus?!?! :eek:
If it's made of CCR's, for the average person that would be the cost. No one ever said this hobby is cheap. Even DIY can add up. BUT, keep in mind, the more blinky, the more kids (and adults) smile. Not to worry if you don't have a big budget, you would be amazed how many smiles you can get from a small budget.
jonnyci said:
Thanks eddy, it does somewhat. I have been reading and reading and re-reading the posts and have already read through the Aus Christmas Lighting for dummies a couple of times as well. I guess what I have a hard time understanding is when you see the pics and videos of a CCR "tree" with maybe 10+ strips, this cost someone $2500 US plus?!?! :eek:

Im wanting to build an 8 strip tree this year if my budget allows for it but the final cost will be well under $1000 using DIY options, so there are more cheaper alternatives if your willing to put in the extra work.
jonnyci said:
Were you able to purchase just the controller from LOR? or did you buy the CCR & Controller from them? How many strips can you control with one CCR controller from LOR?



Hey Jon I just purchased the controller to see if I can that it working. If I can then next step getting them to work with DMX (that's if I can do it, I am not very knowledgeable with this yet).
If you are looking for a cheaper option to the CCR tree you could also just use the RGB dumb strips like I did last year at a fraction of the price and it still got a lot of comments. I lot of people thought it was a laser tree. It might not be able to do real fancy stuff but you can program it easy and it still does add a bit of a wow factor.

I am not seeing right now on the LOR sight where that is an option, mind if I ask where you were able to buy and what you paid?
