a little wiring/grouping question


Full time elf
Nov 7, 2019
S.E Melbourne
hey guy just after a little advice, im trying to plan my show, and i have a fair idea of what i would like to achieve but im just a little unsure on how many channels i should be using and how\where i can daisy chain/link up my display, i have attached a pic which is a little average but my concern is the 3 windows would you link them up or have them individual also the vertical(light blue) lines of the house would they be kept individual channels or is there a better way for these.

im planning on using a pixlite 16 mk2house.jpg
The windows I would have daisy chained providing that you are within the output channel range. Connecting the power from the starts and ends of the windows together will save you some of the power drop issues.
The light blue vertical lines on the corners I'd daisy chain in zig zag format and also connect the power tops and bottoms.
It looks good to me, but 12 or 5v & pixels per prop would be handy to know. I'd Chain the windows & poles, I have 10 mini trees chained running 50 pixels each, 5v with power injection every 3rd tree running 30% brightness so that's 500 pixels :)
I didn't Specify a voltage as I'm yet to order but I think I'll be using 5v With power injection, thanks for helping clarify,
I have a PixLite 16 MkII running a matrix of 495 pixels at 40fps no problems (approx 12m from the controller 3.3mm2 power and 1mm2 data). The 16MkII has a Max of 1020 Pixels per output but personally I would not run that at 40fps.
I am also planning on 800 Pixels (40fps) for half a tree but I have not re-made the tree so I cannot tell you if it will run at the higher fps. All props are 5v at 30% powered at the start and end of every 50, I think this helps with the data.