A request for help.


New elf
Apr 4, 2021
I am a complete newbie and have spent ages looking for an answer.
I am another one of those people asking for help to bypass the multifunction controller for always on. Is this possible? 20210403_161858.jpg20210403_161829.jpg20210403_161755.jpg
Am I right in thinking I can only achieve this with a memory chip? If so where to put it? Thanks for any help. I know you guys get asked this loads but any help would be appreciated.
No place on this controller for a memory chip that I see. A memory chip is typically to produce a 'power on in last mode' setting rather than an always on anyway. This controller has what appears to be a bridge circuit driving the L1/L2 string. That's the 2 B772 (PNP) and 2 D882 (NPN) transistors.

I'm inclined to think L1 connected to VDD and L2 connected to GND (or vice versa) would give a constant on although only half the string would illuminate. Connect L1/L2 directly, do not place jumpers on the board as depending upon how functional the controller is jumpers could short something on and burn the board. In fact, it would be letter to remove the controller entirely I think.
Yeah, that's a polarity reversing light set so no way to bypass the control and have all of the lights on steady.

There's no place to add in the memory chip for the last setting on it either.
The best option if this set of lights doesn't have a memory function is to ask around and see if you can find someone in the UK who is using this style of lights and has a controller with memory that isn't being used. If you go to computer control you would generally get rid of the controller. As my DMX2-18 boards are almost the only boards around for computer control of this style of lights and the fact that I can't recall sending any to the UK you could be out of luck finding unused controllers that have memories. I have a bunch unused here in Aus but the plugs are wrong.