Closed ACL Strobe Mk 2 bulk buy - ends 12 September 2014

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Bulk buy close date
Sep 12, 2014
Bulk Buy is now closed.
Final list will be popped up on the 1st post in a little while.
I will distribute the Australian parts from here.
Over the next few days I will talk to the U.S. members to organise a sucker conscientious ACL member who is willing to count out the 1400 strobes that I'll get sent directly there.
I'm hoping that all the parts should be shipped by about 1 October 2014.
When know how big and heavy the parts are I will organise a postage payment thread.

The bulk buy list has now been finalised and is up.

I need to get a heap of addresses for people. Some didn't get included in the paypal info. For the Aussies it doesn't matter too much but I need it for the guys in the U.S. and Canada so I can sort someone to distribute over there.
The list of Canadians and Americans is below. Some I have addresses for and some I don't. If your address wasn't on your paypal info can you send me a PM.

Thanks very much in advance for doing this.
Sorting & counting out approximately 3,300 boards, LEDs, resistors, sleeves, and covers will take a large amount of time.
That's not including the rest of the work.
Alan, this is a worldwide Christmas Present that you are giving to all of us. The amount of parts needing sorting is very large and I know this will take a large chunk of your time.

Thank you again.
AAH said:
The bulk buy list has now been finalised and is up.

I need to get a heap of addresses for people. Some didn't get included in the paypal info. For the Aussies it doesn't matter too much but I need it for the guys in the U.S. and Canada so I can sort someone to distribute over there.
The list of Canadians and Americans is below. Some I have addresses for and some I don't. If your address wasn't on your paypal info can you send me a PM.


1st - Thanks for doing this! Having run a small buy before, i know the time involved
I had my address in the comments section on paypal payment. Let me know if you still need it.

If none of the other US/Canadians want to undertake it i would be willing to ship to all of them. However it might be more cost efficient to ship directly to the Canadians since shipping from US to Canada isn't as cheap as one would think it should be.
If it is at all possible shipping direct to Canada would be preferred.....I know this may sound hard to believe but shipping cost from China is almost comparable to shipping from US to Canada on some things. The Americans will blame Canada Customs for this (and they are correct to some degree), but we get gouged quite a bit. When the loonie was worth more than the US dollar, we were still paying more for the same merchandise. :mad:
I volunteered up front for the us bulk and to flat rate box them out to all us members. This offer still stands. And I'll yield to anyone that Alan decides on. It just makes sense to bulk to the US. I know Alan was hoping for fathead to step into this but he's not interested at this time with all the unbuilt he has left.
I wasn't after anyone in particular. Thanks for the offer again Skunberg. I will shoot out a message today and organise someone to do it. The painful part of the process will be the counting of the covers etc as I'm getting Ray to ship direct to the US as it saves on a heap of freight cost. I'm also waiting on Ray to see if he'll bag the bits into 50's or 100's for me.
I don't mind counting. I owe the hobby. I just want to use flat rate boxes from here out to everyone rather than a different quote for each person.
Note to self (and also anyone else considering organising a bulk buy). Don't offer the parts in Aussie dollars if you're paying for the parts in US dollars. The 3% paypal fee was factored in but the 5% fall in the Aussie dollar from the time the buy started until when I paid for parts took all the cream with it. Paypal fees suck and everyone should work in Aussie dollars :p
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