Adelaide/SA Adelaide Mini 2019 - interest

What shall we do about the Adelaide 2019 mini?

  • 1 Day Mini

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Prefer Saturday for a 1 day mini

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Prefer Sunday for a 1 day mini

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • May 4-5

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I am willing to help organise the mini

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
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404 darylc not found
Dec 8, 2012
Hi Everyone,

Posting on behalf of the 2018 Adelaide mini team (CCL/Heath/Ryan/Ralphy/Daryl). We're slow this year, some of us have been taking a break from Christmas Lights, others have just been busy. Anyway we're at the point where we need to make some decisions about the 2019 mini.

A lot has changed over the past couple of years and there is now a lot of video content available that is very similar to the types of talks that have traditionally been presented at the Adelaide minis over the year. In a lot of cases the quality of the presentations is better than what we could realistically organise for you at the mini. Of course the downside is that you can't ask questions.

We'd like to gauge what you would like out of a 2019 mini. We see good value in the social/1-1/collaboration side of the mini and wonder if perhaps we should try to focus more on that and less on lecturing to the room this year. The school venue is available to us if we wish to use it.

The (current) mini organisers are less enthused about pulling together a full program of talks this year, so if that is what we wanted to do as a community we would need others to step up and help organise that.

One suggestion is that for 2019 we could have a 1 day BBQ/social day/discussion sort of event at a members house see how that goes. Anyway please do reply to this thread and tell us what you want to get out of a 2019 mini and what sort of format/event might suit you?
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First of all I would like to start by Thanking all the people and organizers over the years
that have helped the Adelaide Mini Grow to what it has become today.

Second i sadly have to agree with daryl, there is a lot of great video's out there.
How about we step back to basic's, the way the mini's were before it became focused on being online teaching the world.
The good old hands on type thing,
Test different snow machine's an fluid's again / how to repair an prime the pump each year...
How to hang such machine's safely in your show (different brackets or something),
Have panels for people to setup and get going with fpp an different controller cards,
How to repair strip and replace pixel nodes and test them afterwards,
Showing off and bragging rights, of things we have thought up an made over the year.

(I can help with most of them projects, {Hmm me not having to fix my strip..yippie}

I know the adelaide people can pop over len's place most of the time for a yarn, beer, and bbq,
but for us out of towners the Royal Adelaide Mini is the big 2 day event to meet everyone,
get to know each other from the different states, pay each other out in person instead of online. {just wait rob}

I could continue on dribbling, and i still might.
But lets see what we all can pull together and try an take the load off the past organizers we have so heavily relied on.

Now I have herd some dates the School can be used, if we would like to continue this great mini for another year.
May 4-5, May 25-26 or June 15-16 { My Miss's would like May 25-26 her bday on 27}

Come on Guys, Girls.
Tell me what you think..
what would you like.....
There are lots of very specific individual topics being covered in other mini's and in zoom and in Xessentials.
So I would like to see our mini do something different-
Lets tie them all together to get a result. So...........
I would like to suggest that irrespective or it being 1 or 2 days we have a themed all day workshop-
"Create a show from go to whoa"
Use display elements/props props and some computers/software and design a 20min themed show.

We would need a 'volunteer house' but if there are no other hands up I am happy to use my house as the target site.
I would implement the plan for Xmas this year so everyone can see our combined result!

The show to have a very clear theme and objective that will appeal to specific demographic (ie say, 5-12 year olds.)
Topics to discuss include;
What should be the theme of our show;
What story do we want to tell in our show
What props have we got, what needs to be modified, what extra do we need, how to build them(inside a budget!)
How should we lay them out for maximum effect
What computing hardware and sequencer do we need
What songs/voice overs/skits do we need;
How do we lay out the wiring (control boxes, 240v, Ethernet etc)
What sequencing effects will have the most impact
What existing ideas/sequences can we pinch/borrow/buy to save ourselves some work.
What will the overall 'package' look like

I am sure there are lots of other rabbit holes/discussions we can cover during the days(s) but I think if we run a theme through the mini we can come out with something that everyone can see a result for at Xmas!

Open for comment-better ideas gratefully accepted!
There is some great points and ideas there.
Unfortunately I dont think we will be able to offer our house as a venue this year due too renovations ! But would've loved too have the free labour workin on our lights !
I personally would like too see the mini remain as a 2 day event also believe is better for interestate visitor's and others who travel from anywhere in our state?
Also for the odd person that can only attend 1 of the 2 days!
Plus I would like to see the mini being a little bit more relaxed or casual not such a tight schedule as such .
I like the general chit chat discussions. The ideas of repairing lights wiring etc is great I can input into that and show my techniques and others can also as I believe we all do things a little bit different !
Also the idea of setting up a small light show from scratch is another great idea starting with wiring,controllers , building an element? And finally making it work using xlights and vixen !
Topics that I feel important to be presented
Xlights due to its frequently changing
Xlights 3d I find exciting an would love to know more!
Vixen although am not a user !
New products is always exciting! May include controllers, new types of lighting , tools ,software etc etc
Time set aside for questions about anything to with creating and running a lightshow
Definitely a bit of show and tell time !

At this stage any date before xmas is ok for us !
Well thats my 2 cents worth for now !
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I would also like to express my gratitude to all of the organizers past and present, running any kind of an event can get exhausting and it can make you lose interest in the very thing you are passionate about.

Personally, I feel like I am at the point now where I have everything under control when it comes to my xmas lights, I understand all of the technology and how it all works together. I know how to repair things if they break and how to use the sequencing software of my choice (all be it at a basic level).

The technology hasn't really changed an awful lot over the past few years, yes there are some new pixel types and there is always a new version of the Falcon boards every year with minor enhancements, same goes for Xlights and Vixen they are always being worked on but the principle is the same, so once you have all of the basics down the only next step is more advanced sequencing using layers etc. but I feel this is more of a per-user thing as it comes down to YOUR elements and what effects suite your setup, so playing with them alone is the only way to see what looks good for you.

I do enjoy catching up with everyone once a year and having the get together at Lens place this year and last year was a nice relaxing time where we could all sit down and chat about random things. The mini is a great place to pick up some of Darylcs old gear hahahaha and also Alec's gear and the Falcon stuff along with coro products Alans products and David's gear as they tend to offer free shipping (or reduced price) to the mini location, but do we try and jam too much stuff into the 2 days? Do we cover things that people really want to know about? Do people want to just catch the breeze and talk smack to each other hahaha.

If there was no mini this year I think anyone new might miss out on learning a thing or 2, the rest of us might only miss out on talking smack to Alec and Rob so I am not sure what more we could benefit from a full-blown mini, perhaps a more casual laid back mini could be just the ticket we all need.

I know this doesn't really answer your questions but it might help people think about where they stand.
I do like the social/1-1/collaboration side of things.
If the event happens on may 25-26th that counts us out all together though but I would really like to come this year!
Hi eveyone It would be great to catch up with everyone ask a bunch of newbie questions and learn for you all please let me know what ever date you choose ill have to make sure i'm not away for work
Hi All,

I personally do not have the time to help organise a mini this year due to other commitments but would like to see one happen and would aim to attend. Most of the other organisers are in the same position.

I've put up a poll canvassing various opinions. The default option at this stage is @Ralphyf1 will organise a 1 day less formal mini for June 15 or 16 (at the school I assume). If you want something more than this you will need to step up and help make it happen.

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Unfortunately, all of the dates mentioned do not work for me this year. I am working the weekend of the 4th and 5th, I am also working the weekend of the 25th and 26th. I have also been informed that I am not allowed to attend a mini on the head of the houses birthday again (seems to happen every year) which then rules out the 15th and 16th of June so this rules me out for attending. Good luck with whatever you manage to arrange.
Hi all,
If there are no other suggestions, and to keep the ball rolling;

I am happy to help arrange a 1 day social mini at the school on Saturday June 15.
So assuming no major issues, lets lock that in shall we?

I would envisage about a 9.30am start going to about 4.30pm(maybe a bit later)
I will pull together a flexible agenda from some of the comments already made in this and similar threads.
I will publish a draft agenda by 21st April - If anyone has a particular topic they would covered, just let me know before then

I would certainly allow sufficient time for any newbies to ask and learn as much as possible.

For anyone hanging around I am happy to host a bbque lunch at my place on the Sunday 17th to continue discussions or just 'chill out'
Hey mr ralphy
Sounds like a plan and thankyou for your efforts as this year doesn't seem to be much enthusiasm from others at this stage hopefully will change !
I believe we will be free on those dates
Even though I am a grinch I do enjoy the annual mini (ps don't tell my crazylady) but anyways if there is something we can help with please let us know!
Cheers punk
Hi All

Big thanks to the organisers of the last couple of years, i know how hard it everyone works to get the weekend planned and then executed.

In the end what makes a great mini is the actual people who attend, the knowledge base we have in Adelaide is fantastic but even better is the great group of people who are willing to lend a ear to a idea, offer advice if required or simply offer a good chat or banter during the day or over a cold beverage later in the night.

I did hear that Alec will not be attending due to plastic surgery to remove the dead skin from the last server sunburn he received, it is a pity that he wont be attending but think we are now safer he will not be presenting the naked light installs without sunscreen presentation he has been working on.
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