Anyone else not gonna make it?

Behind here also but I never planned to get it running by December 1st. I'll just keep working at it and it'll come together sooner or later and the effort will be worth it.
Yes and no. Our 10th year and I had planned on bringing back every song we ever did. We have a show, but not that many songs, just 11 or so of the 36, but I'll get more done
I don't think ppl should be concerned if they don't get everything ready by Dec 1. While Dec 1 is a good day to start, there is no rule saying lights must be switched on by Dec 1 or not at all.

So I say, don't stress about it, just work at your own pace and get it up soonish andeverything will be sweet.

Even if your lights are not up and running until next weekend, that's still a good solid 2 weeks of before Christmas :)
only 20hrs left till light up now..
i have figured i dont need sleep..
2 more elements need to go up, other's need cabling up.
then i need to test all (done 2 testing so far, both were bad at start)
an then i have 1 routh as guts sequence.. an 3 not completed.

but this is my 6th year, i have not failed a dec 1st calling yet an i dont plan to either
19hr 30min left cause i left this msg.. ::)

but then i have helped so many people be able to pull off a show this year..
so it makes it even more worth while
This is my first year, it has been a steep learning curve, but everything is in and appears to be running okay after testing, amazing what you can do on a very tight budget. Just have to setup my schedule ready for this evening.

I have been surprised how well things have gone together, without any major hiccups. Just working on the old saying "If you light it, they will come".

The only downside to all of this is yesterday I was told by my boss that he is wrapping the company up and I am now unemployed. Hopefully the lights will cheer me up.
Mine is all up. I have 2 controllers not working and one lagging a bit but otherwise it is pretty good. Switching on Friday night but out tonight so lots will get fixed before sundown Friday.
Mine is all up and I ran a few sequences late last night to test. It will now stay off until Saturday night and our usual Christmas Drinks and Light Turn On party. Fingers crossed.
But it was a close run thing, i know and feel the pressure and pain.

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I know the feeling of defeat, I had a mega tree half built last year and a lot of my static elements ready to go but unfortunately I ran out of time to finish off my Mega tree and when I tested my sleigh it was totally dead no lights worked at all, so I just threw in the towel and decided to wait until 2016 and give myself the whole year to get everything up and running.

Happy to say 2016 has turned out better than I had hoped for, all of my elements were ready to go well in advance and I only had to finish off a few things before light up night which was last weekend. First play through was less than satisfying, however ever other play through since has been awesome and I am happy with what I have achieved in 1 and a half years.

For all those people who have put up their display and it just doesn't seem to be working, just give it a full play through and then repeat you might find it just works second time round especially if using the falcon player but that was my experience.

Some people don't mind putting up what they have and are happy with, however others like myself don't like putting up a display unless they are happy with it (this was me last year) so if it doesn't happen this year just start earlier next year and when it does all come together you will be happy with what you have achieved.
I have had a mixed last 24hrs. Everytime I solve a problem, another one comes up. All my neighbours started putting lights up yesterday and needless to say they were all up and running last night. I remember those days - Simple yet effective. Why do we do this to ourselves?
I am pressed for time but I feel confident I will make it ok.

As a kid we frequently traveled for thanksgiving to get to family gatherings. As a result we hardly ever put up Christmas decorations until after Dec 1st. As a result I have a hard time being motivated to turn anything on in November. Got a lot of work done on things but no lighting really.

I have the strips complete for the mega tree. The topper is on the ASAP with the star atop it. The welding done on the bottom hoop and its ready to attach to the pole (already done a test assembly). Portable hole 2 and ASAP are in place in the front yard. All the halloween elements are converted to Christmas.

Last bits to do tonight and tomorrow:
  1. Buy turnbuckles and drive the rebar stakes in for ASAP
  2. Attach the 3D printed hooks to the bottom end of the 24 strips (to hook bungies to)
  3. Assemble the strands on the topper and raise ASAP
  4. Mount hoop and braces to ASAP
  5. Attach strips to hoop with bungies (already bought)
  6. Attach 4 pigtails to extension wires for other props (recently got all the pigtails off the controller on glands now)
  7. Mount 3 PSUs in 2 CG1500s and place behind tree (tree power)
  8. Make the bottom PI harness.
  9. Re-test lights (worked for Halloween so should be still a go).
  10. Show starts Sunday evening after the granddaughters get here.
Weather is looking good for tonight and tomorrow with temps in mid 30's (f). Possible rain and snow flurries on sunday so I think thats a bit appropriate to turn the lights on with the first measurable snowfall of the year. Just like I planned ;)
Tested last year's roof strips in garage, and one join seemed dodgy, so swapped it out.
Put it all up on the roof, 4 new joins decided not to work. Using zip ties to bend into position that makes a connection to pass on the signal. They are only lights up and it's taken all day.
I'm not even sure I want to put anything else up. Especially seeing it will be 32deg tomorrow and I'm just over it.
Haha yes is normal guys every single year happens I feel must be the pressure but we all usually work it out ! And we all swear next year will prepare much earlier BUT WE WONT AND SO ON AND SO ON . Goodluck everyone and merry xmas to all
djgra79 said:
Tested last year's roof strips in garage, and one join seemed dodgy, so swapped it out.
Put it all up on the roof, 4 new joins decided not to work. Using zip ties to bend into position that makes a connection to pass on the signal. They are only lights up and it's taken all day.
I'm not even sure I want to put anything else up. Especially seeing it will be 32deg tomorrow and I'm just over it.
Hey Graham. I reckon we've all had those days where you seem to find more faults than you fix and you start to wonder if its all worthwhile. My advice, take the night off, do something else entirely, clear your head and come back to it fresh tomorrow. I've got some free time tomorrow, if you need an extra pair of hands just let me inow, happy to help.
Yeah but normal for me Grinch is at least 90% setup by Dec 1st. It's now 3rd and I'm barely at 25% which looks to fail at any minute. I hate over promising and under delivering.

Thanks for the offer David, but at 32deg I'm not sure I want to be outside much. I feel burnt from today anyway, plus we've got 2 extra kids for a sleepover tonight, so will no doubt have my hands full there! Might put up the tree...
I got half of mine up today. Finishing off tomorrow. It's a large static display, which fills all of my front yard. Hope everyone else is making progress