Anyone getting anything from LOR? Got a $350usd credit from them

Minh Tuan

New elf
Nov 14, 2014
Kings Park
Anyone here planning on getting anything from LOR? I have a $350usd competition credit from them that I'm probably not going to use. Happy to get stuff from LOR for someone at a discounted price. Or i can order like 12x 50 ws2811 bullet nodes and sell them to someone for cheaper. Let me know if you are interested.
Anyone here planning on getting anything from LOR? I have a $350usd competition credit from them that I'm probably not going to use. Happy to get stuff from LOR for someone at a discounted price. Or i can order like 12x 50 ws2811 bullet nodes and sell them to someone for cheaper. Let me know if you are interested.
Hi, I have just been looking around at the options to set up my own controlled display and was probably leaning toward one of the Light o rama packages. Would you recommend them for someone starting from scratch? Could maybe do a deal with you on your credit... Cheers.
Hi, I have just been looking around at the options to set up my own controlled display and was probably leaning toward one of the Light o rama packages. Would you recommend them for someone starting from scratch? Could maybe do a deal with you on your credit... Cheers.
Drop by chat and let someone change your mind. LOR= Little Over Rated
Hi, I have just been looking around at the options to set up my own controlled display and was probably leaning toward one of the Light o rama packages. Would you recommend them for someone starting from scratch? Could maybe do a deal with you on your credit... Cheers.
If you decide on going with the LOR route, let me know and i can work out a deal with you.
This thread is very old. An answer might not be needed anymore.