JonB256 said:
All the P10 panel setups I've worked with (that's 2 :) ) have the universe size set at 512.

If I get a chance, I may reconfigure my P10 with a value of 510 to see if it still works as well.
Since I don't use any E1.31 items other than Falcon, all of my setups are full 512.
The BBB uses memory mapped so it could be okay.
And maybe in bridge mode it is okay too. Only the last pixel in each universe may have an issue sometimes.
I currently have mine defined as 512 too, but would not notice the odd pixel if it was not correct.
gerry said:
Hi Superman,

Am thinking that the size should be defined as 510 above for each universe and not 512 ?

32 x 16 = 512 :)
Superman said:
32 x 16 = 512 :)

I know , and I was most happy about that when I started.

There is a thread discussion on the xLights forum about controllers and 510/512 channels per universe (and accordingly the colors of the 171st pixel) that had me thinking about this.
I thought that may have been the case. these panel are an exception to that rule.