BBB newby Help Please


New elf
Jun 7, 2016
I'm not sure where to start
I'm usually able to figure things out but I am trying to follow the BBB setup on here and I don't know where im going wrong
I downloaded the image file then used z-zip to expand it to my Pc.
I then used win32 disk imager to write the image to the micro sd card
now I cant see the sd card in my reader anymore
but I put it into my BBB and held the button down and powered the BBB black the lights light up and start flashing
but this is where I am stuck
the instructions say access the BBB via putty and from here I'm stuck and cant login
I go to my router d\settings and the ethernet port does not show a ip address
also I don't have a micro hdmi to check I am going to buy one but I am after any help if possible.
That may be the old process. For newer images it's a bit of a slightly different process.
Keep the zip file as it is. Use balenaEtcher-Portable or similar to burn the zip file direct to the SD card. Insert into BBB and you're done.
Make sure you're connected to a router so that an IP address gets assigned at bootup and after bootup jump into the router and you should see an IP address with a hostname of FPP. Access via your browser on either http://fpp or the IP address that was shown. After accessing FPP I'd recommend setting a static IP address and writing it onto the ethernet rj45 connector for later reference.
thanks for the reply,
I have the bbb plugged into my modem/router
I have the micro sd in it but does not show a ip address on the modem settings and if I look in the web browser I get cant reach this page error
Did you burn the image via balena etcher? It's a very specific process required for new images.
I put some info on my site for a quick setup for an octoscrolla at
It's possible the easiest option to get going is to use the usb connection method. Instead of plugging in the Ethernet just plug in the BBB to a USB on the pc and after the virtual com port is installed you can login via . From there you can configure a static IP to match your router and PC.
For some reason I cant get balena etcher to work on my pc I run it as a administrator
I install it or run it in portable mode
and all it does is open a blank screen?
Etcher sits and vegetates for maybe 2 minutes on my lappy before appearing. I run "balenaEtcher-Portable-1.5.0-x86.exe" myself as I'm on 32 bit windows and too lazy to upgrade to latest ver.
This isn't working not sure why
im running win 10 on x64 machine and both ways will just sit there blank for over 20 mins
maybe need to try something else?
I cant see why it wont work either it might be my computer im not sure
saying that I haven't done any of this before and could be completely stuffing the whole process up
nothing wants to work for me ha ha
tried a different sd card and I'm not sure if it has worked
I can log in under a ip address but just brings up the beagle bone page no FPP
should it load directly to FPP?