Best way to configure a multiple controller layout?


New elf
Dec 17, 2020
Hello folks,
I have a newbie question for you. I just mounted my first show this year. I started small with a single mega tree prop. It’s a stand alone prop with a F16v3 plus 2 expansion boards and a Raspberry Pi/FPP playing an xLights sequence.

Next year I’d like to expand beyond my single prop and install 8-12 small props that will be spread across the yard that will animate along with the tree.

Since my new props will be at least 30-40’ from the tree and up to 20-40 feet from each other, my sense is that I need to get a F48 Differential and several smart receivers to drive this layout. Let me know if you have other ideas.

My question is what’s the best way to get data to a second controller? Should I get a second Pi and run it in slave/remote mode or does it make more sense to drive the second controller (might be 30-40’ away from the tree) from the one Pi in my tree enclosure? If so, how to connect a second controller to one Pi? Use a switch or hub?

Rough idea of the layout:

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Al Gerdes
Nov 29, 2012
Lebanon, Illinois
I see that you have been given a lot of advice to use wireless on some of the other sites.
I am one that uses wired connections. These are simple as you can daisy chain controllers (such as the F16V3) or better yet, use an inexpensive switch and connect your controllers and player in a star pattern. The advantages are you get great throughput and there are no problems with drop-out like there can be with wireless. (Wireless can sometimes be a problem in a high-use area since there are so many wireless devices out there now.) The disadvantage is you do have wires going to each controller. (Something that has never bother me.)


Crazy elf
Global moderator
Generous elf
Dec 19, 2021
Western Sydney
My question is what’s the best way to get data to a second controller? Should I get a second Pi and run it in slave/remote mode or does it make more sense to drive the second controller (might be 30-40’ away from the tree) from the one Pi in my tree enclosure? If so, how to connect a second controller to one Pi? Use a switch or hub?

You have a couple of options.
If you go down the F48 path, the you can keep this controller next to your existing one, and run the differential receivers out in the yard. These would be connected by CAT5 to the F48.
Alternatively, you could just get a standard differential pixel controller, and run it in your yard directly to minimise the cable length to the props. A single ethernet run back to your network is needed.

In both cases, the controllers (your existing and either the F48 or the one in you yard) would conenct to a network switch, which would also have your Pi plugged into it. This can just run off your main router, or can be an independent show network, depending on how much network configuration you want to play with. I would go for the former option as it's so much simpler.

There's no right or wrong way to do it.


Senior elf
Jan 1, 2020
Portland, Vic
you don't need a second pi.

you can just add the new controller to xlights and then put whatever props on it and you're good.


New elf
Dec 17, 2020
Thanks all. I added a loose schematic of my future layout to my original post.

One thought is that I take my Pi out of my mega tree enclosure and put it, along with a switch, in a new enclosure closer to the center of the 8 new props. In that new enclosure would also be an F48 Differential. Then I'd run CAT5 from the switch in this new box out to the mega tree F16v3 and CAT5 internally to the F48. Then smart receivers as needed to light the 8 new props. This seems similar to algerdes thought. Does this sound like a good plan?

Skymaster, I have my current Pi connected to my LAN wirelessly. So I don't have to worry about running CAT5 to the house.