Blue Invading my Sequence

In this case JC...universes are fine...I'm only using Red and Green...Blue is actually locked the rest of the house is red and green...but one little piece of the roofline wants to turn blue, then red, then blue, then green...instead of Red green red green, so no insult taken...Sean says its a bug, I'm just waiting to see if he can figure it out...
Hi Vikester;

I have not forgotten you.

i have spent some time looking at your preview. I have not figured it out. You can play your right roof downward model in the NUTCRACKER window and it previews correctly, in the PREVIEW window that one model shifts the channels by 1 (apparently).
Do you have hardware and could try just this one element?
I will reach out to Don Julien, Dan Kulp and Frankr and see if any can debug it.

very weird.

BTW, I think you have the best whole house model i have ever seen made with xlights, amazing.

I don't have the hardware hooked up, the only additional thing that I have done with this is export the sequence over to LOR, and it shows up Blue there as well...
Thanks for the compliment on the model...
thevikester said:
I don't have the hardware hooked up, the only additional thing that I have done with this is export the sequence over to LOR, and it shows up Blue there as well...
Thanks for the compliment on the model...

I am impressed with your whole house display I am using it to show what can be done and made a few minute video to show people. I love the meter effect with explode.
I'm going to go thru my spreadsheet and see if there is any possible number that I missed that would cause a whole element like that to be the wrong color. When I think about it logically, it doesn't make any sense, because each number represents 3 channels, so it literally could not be off by one number to cause it...and when I look at the models themselves, and the channel configuration, everything adds up...this isn't a word I use often, but I am befuddled!
thevikester said:
I'm going to go thru my spreadsheet and see if there is any possible number that I missed that would cause a whole element like that to be the wrong color. When I think about it logically, it doesn't make any sense, because each number represents 3 channels, so it literally could not be off by one number to cause it...and when I look at the models themselves, and the channel configuration, everything adds up...this isn't a word I use often, but I am befuddled!

Do you have hardware connected?

Go to this one model in the grid. click on the first row of that model and press F4 (You are in the NUTCRACKER tab). This model shows correctly. Go to preview and it is shifted. My other developers believe that the lights will be correct only the preview is wrong,. Let me know when you get the hardware connected.

BTW, i gave dave pitts your models and he likes it enough that he is now making a whole house model for his house.
Hello Thevikester;

well good news times two
1) We know what is causing the blue in your whole house model. When you build a whole house model out of RGB nodes, you need to make sure each model you have will start on a multiple of 3. Your bad segments do not.
I added a new feature to the TEST tab, it now shows the absolute RGB node number in parenthesis. Look for your models in the TEST tab and verify they each start on a multiple of 3. BTW, the BLUE will NOT show up on your lights, only in the PREVIEW. So if you want, you dont need to change any models start addresses.

2) Good news, bad news, You no longer need to make a great big spreadsheet. The newest release (3.5.1) will snapshot your preview window and build a 400x400 model. Dave Pitts added a new model type called "Whole House".
To build your whole house model using this method is about 5-10 seconds.

You should know that it was your whole house model that woke david up, he said "I want a whole house model too". He then built a custom model with a spreadsheet. He then said, this is too hour intensive and he built this new feature. So everyone should thank you. You are directly responsible for the new whole house model creation button in the PREVIEW screen.
I now have to laugh as I had not been back to the forum in a few days, recreated my spread sheet, and found that same error you were speaking of, and no more blue...Now I have to see what you did with this quick whole house model! That is outstanding...thank you for all of your help and contributions...absolutely outstanding
Perhaps after the season...and I am programming clueless...but some elements I have are non RGB so don't have the capabilities to respond the way the new whole house model shows them...for example, snowflakes on the roof, one color only...wonder how that would effect them when you have multiple colors running through..I'm guessing just turning them on and off? Don't know if there is a way to differentiate RGB from non RGB with that model...the one that I created in preview, I left those out on the whole house model, but put them in for elements in the big preview so I could still program them independently....
for your one color snowflakes, you are right we dont mix single channel and 3 channel lights in the whole house model. All lights are rgb.

Now if you had the ability to make the snow flakes go up by 3
If you had this now
snowflake#1 starts at ch 100

snowflake#2 starts at ch 101

snowflake#3 starts at ch 102

Then we we create an effect that touches the first snowflake, we actually would be turning all 3 on.

Some people have handled this for this year by doing this

snowflake#1 starts at ch 100
snowflake#2 starts at ch 103
snowflake#3 starts at ch 106

Now it will all work without any conflicts.

Again, thanks! Your xlights_rgbeffects.xml is the first test case both dave pitts and i use when testing. You are our baseline
I'm running my non RGB standard LOR this year, I'll switch them to DMX next year...I have more on my plate than I can eat right now....I've never set the standard for anything except chicken wings consumed in 20 minutes at a fundraiser! I'm honored!