Brisbane/Qld Brisbane Mini 2023 - 27-28 May

Event details

Event date
Saturday, May 27, 2023 Sunday, May 28, 2023
Registration deadline
Wednesday, May 24, 2023
Maximum guests
Username Guest count Note
Superman Superman 1 Spoiler content hidden.
B BAZMick 1
Domestos Domestos 1
Giles1 Giles1 1 Spoiler content hidden.
Johnno Johnno 1
B bpratt 1 Spoiler content hidden.
S swampy 1 Spoiler content hidden.
Albrador Albrador 1
D Darron 1 Spoiler content hidden.
twinblack twinblack 2 Spoiler content hidden.
R roy.debruin 2
R Reeju1655 1
M marty0421 2
M miked 1 Spoiler content hidden.
Cherie & Wayne Cherie & Wayne 1 Spoiler content hidden.
I itsdorny 1 Spoiler content hidden.
Melinda Melinda 2 Spoiler content hidden.
Dreamin Dreamin 1 Spoiler content hidden.
BradsXmasLights BradsXmasLights 1 Spoiler content hidden.
C crazymofo 1
C CUC 1 Spoiler content hidden.
O Oldwayned 1 Spoiler content hidden.
M Max65 1
9am Start everyone?
Bring plenty of winter Woolies, it's 2-3deg here in the mornings.
We'll move the mini into the main shed as the normal shed we use is chocka block at the moment, so as you come in the front gate we'll be inside the roller door straight in front of you in the back shed

Cheers Bazzy
Thanks from me too. Missed last year so it was nice to see what people are getting into and have a chat with fellow hobbyists.
Now I have some pixel pushing for all my purchases. xD
How did I miss this!! Anyway, house build wasn't ready for this year so will be starting early for next year... just don't know what I need to order :)