Compact DC SSR for LED Canes

Do you think it would be possible to use my 24 volt led rope light with these?
I am considering trying to expose one conductor between each led in a series and running a separate conductor down one side. It fits perfectly in the canes and exposing and soldering to one conductor would be child's play. I would probably have to cut the resistors out of the circuit though.
David, sorry for reviving such a old thread but I'm going in this direction and checking out the options. Does your PC170 board fit inside the candy cane? It looks like about 12mm x 36mm. I'm also looking at Dan's double board that fits a ta200. Did you make up a batch of these or just a proto type? I've ordered LEDs and I'm commited to the WS2803 and Dan's wiring 18 per cane. Just thinking a small board inside the base may work better for me. What are your thoughts on this project in retrospect?

The WS2803 board does fit inside the candy canes I have. I have some of the original boards I got as well as a slightly revised version. Would have to check how many though.

You not committed to my boards until I order them. If David's works out better for you, that's fine with me. I will just need to know so I won't order the qty you need. :D

I like Dan's board too. But I don't put mine out the same every year. So putting the board in the candy cane keeps me very flexible. I'm still looking to retro fit 50 candy canes. How many boards are needed to bring the price down? This thread didn't take off before but with the mad rush towards pixels and maybe a post at DIYC we could make a larger buy? Either way, group or just me, I'd like to move in this direction this year. What did you think?

I mention group buy in the interest of dropping prices. I'd be willing to run one at DIYC. And here if the rules allow me. But I'm not sure how many we would need to make a worth while drop in price. At DIYC it would need to be a kit per candy cane (or x amount of canes) to get any quantity of interest. So that would be PCB, BOM, LEDs, maybe even 30awg wire. What do you think?

To those asking me about a group buy, I do not wish to run one. If someone with the ability to order boards and distribute them comes forward I will give them the PCB file to do so.

PCB Cart is who I've used in the past to get various runs of bare boards made. You will have to register to get quotes and order boards. Here's what the quote form looks like. You can use most of the defaults, but will need to set the board size, quantity and board name.

davidavd pcb_cart_example.png
My LED's came in today for the candy cane retro fit! I'll start building jigs like Dan's this weekend.
Dan did you get the 30 AWG from Mouser or Jameco?
