NOTICE OF PLANNED SITE OUTAGE - Forum upgrade to XenForo 2.1
AusChristmasLighting is currently running an older version of the XenForo forum software, which is no longer supported. To receive new security fixes and support, the site must be upgraded. This upgrade will introduce some changes/improvements (see previous announcement for details). During the upgrade, the site will be temporarily unavailable.
When is the site outage expected?
Late evening,Monday 28th or Tuesday 29th October. At this time the site will be placed into maintenance mode where all areas including forums, chat and wiki will be unavailable.
The exact time that the outage would begin is to be determined. I'll play this by ear based on site traffic. For instance, there is some flexibility to delay this for a few hours if there is an active chat room conversation or increased forum posting activity.
How long will the site be unavailable?
I have performed several test upgrades in preparation for this upgrade. Based on this, I estimate that the site should be back in a few hours after the outage begins.
Extra backups will be created prior to commencing the upgrade. If new issues are encountered that would extend the required outage time, then we can roll the site back and reschedule the upgrade for the beginning of 2020. I don't want to keep the site closed for longer than is necessary, especially given the current time of year with the festive season almost at the doorstep.
What about the 101 manual?
The normal method for obtaining the AusChristmasLighting 101 Manual won't work during the planned site outage. But don't worry, I will provide an alternative for the duration of the outage
. This alternative will not require a site account (as new registrations will be disabled until we return). The 101 manual will be available again from the usual link once the site upgrade is complete.
Discussion thread:
AusChristmasLighting is currently running an older version of the XenForo forum software, which is no longer supported. To receive new security fixes and support, the site must be upgraded. This upgrade will introduce some changes/improvements (see previous announcement for details). During the upgrade, the site will be temporarily unavailable.
When is the site outage expected?
Late evening,
The exact time that the outage would begin is to be determined. I'll play this by ear based on site traffic. For instance, there is some flexibility to delay this for a few hours if there is an active chat room conversation or increased forum posting activity.
How long will the site be unavailable?
I have performed several test upgrades in preparation for this upgrade. Based on this, I estimate that the site should be back in a few hours after the outage begins.
Extra backups will be created prior to commencing the upgrade. If new issues are encountered that would extend the required outage time, then we can roll the site back and reschedule the upgrade for the beginning of 2020. I don't want to keep the site closed for longer than is necessary, especially given the current time of year with the festive season almost at the doorstep.
What about the 101 manual?
The normal method for obtaining the AusChristmasLighting 101 Manual won't work during the planned site outage. But don't worry, I will provide an alternative for the duration of the outage
Discussion thread: