controlling colour signal to pixels

Seems like something that would be nice at the hardware level. We'll add it as a feature of the PixLite controllers and release it as a firmware update. Give us about a week or so, should save you some time mucking around with LOR.
Excellent service right there. Thanks L_Tay. We will be eternally in your debt.
Sorry it took a little longer than I estimated, we got a bit swamped over the last couple of weeks. Anyway the latest firmware now supports RGB ordering for each output. Make sure you download the latest Advatek Assistant to configure it with as well.
Thanks L_Tay. Was wondering how it was going. Great to hear it is finished.
L_Tay how many times will we be able to change the RGB orientation per output?

To run my mini trees off a PixLite 4 they will need to be swaped 8 times per output. I am using LSP so I can do that in the software so it won't be an issue, but for others it may be.
For now it's just each output that is able to be configured with it's own RGB order.
Is there any controllers out there that offer multiple RGB order configurations for the one output?

Wouldn't have thought there would be a big demand for it, but I guess as the number of pixels/output increases then the demand will increase as people start using different light strings on the same output.
Thanks Shell. So how many groups/output can you set up with those controllers.
On each output you can change the orientation 4 times only.


01 A-D is one output
02 A-D is the next output etc etc
L_Tay, put the new RGB ordering feature into action today. Worked perfectly, and very easy to use. Thanks again.