controlling lights with a wave of the hand


New elf
Nov 7, 2010
Santa Barbara
I haven't written anything on this forum about my project that involves a different approach to sequencing, best thread on it would be here:

but since this crowd seems into "new and interesting" figured I'd show my quick proof of concept of kinect interfacing with my code to control lights. For those that don't know, kinect is a new sensor for the xbox that uses near-infrared to create a "depth map" in 3D. As a USB device, it has already been examined and an open source library has been published to interface with it from Unix/Mac computers.

Controlling lights via dmx and kinect

I like it Preston. Fantastic.

Bit more tweaking and it would be great fun for visitors to play with..

What I also like as part of your development it that you are using OLA and E1.31 to a DR4.
Lots of us guys are using these this year and some are struggling to get the software to cope.

When you see someone developing software using this hardware it sort of hints to me that it will be capable of the huge channel counts.

Keep it up

Great stuff always looking at different ways to control lights. Shows lots of potential for interactive lighting
Again nice work Preston.

Looks promising.

Wondering in the video a hand gets waved in front of the kinnect.

Could it work by just pointing a various positions or light strings in you display.
Tabor said:
Again nice work Preston.

Looks promising.

Wondering in the video a hand gets waved in front of the kinnect.

Could it work by just pointing a various positions or light strings in you display.

I've thought about the pointing idea - not trivial.

To do it right - you'd need to extract the arm and finger, and turn that into a vector. Then you'd need to represent the 3D space of the sensor in a larger 3D model of your house layout, and determine lights that lay on or near the vector of the person pointing.

Not exactly a weekend project.

I do have some other ideas to use depth - my first idea will be to use the depth of your hand in the space to modify the "decay" rate at which a light fades.
