Controlling Multiple Houses


Full time elf
Aug 30, 2012
North Carolina
For the guys/gals that have multiple houses in the light show. Does one computer control them all or do you sync the times up on your systems? My real question would be, if one computer controls the show for both houses. Is there any electrical issues that come up from feeding the data from your house and ground to the neighbors lights on a different ground...
If you are running multiple houses from the 1 computer and using dmx boards (and maybe LOR) then you have the possibility that the boards are electrically isolated from the power supplies so as long as the cable run is under 1.2km you shouldn't have an issue.
As for synching multiple PCs ShellNZ tried doing that in 2012 and it failed badly based on the way she tried doing it. She had 2 PC's with there clocks synched and sequences set to start at the same time. They didn't :(
It is possible that the size of the different sequences were taking different times to load but the 2 sequences weren't synched up.
I wouldn't count on different houses having their grounds at the exact same potential.

It's common practice to use isolated DMX links between buildings in commercial applications.

Plain Ethernet (not PoE or passive PoE) however, is magnetically coupled so shouldn't have any issues.