CTB16 PC General Use of Channels


New elf
Sep 8, 2011
Hello , I posted this question on the LOR site in America , they suggested I post it on yours as you use 240v and low voltage transformers.

When you use the channels on the card , do you alternate the usage ie channel 1 240 and 2 a low voltage transformer or all on one card or the first 8 240v and the 2nd 8 low voltage.
Has any one found any issues with either ?

From my experience, when it comes to plugpacks vs no plugpacks, there is no real pattern that is necessary when connecting them to your CTB16PC controller. Each channel has an amp limit (1 amp* when there is no heatsink installed), and each bank (side) also as an amp limit (8 amps# when there is no heatsink installed). And then the whole controller (both banks combined) is restricted to 16 amps maximum OR the amp rating of your household power connection, whichever is lower.

As long as your usage does not exceed 1 amp per channel*, 8 amps per side# and the total usage is not more than the amps a standard household outlet is rated for (typically 10 amps in Australia), you have no issue with what order you connect your 240v/adapter lights to the controller.

* max channel usage is 8 amps with high power heatsink
# max bank/side usage is 15 amps with high power heatsink

The CTB16PC comes with two 15 amp fuses, one for each bank. I would suggest that if your household outlet has a lower rated outlet, then it would be best to purchase compatible fuses of a lower amp rating. For example, I have replaced all the fuses on my CTB16PC boards with 10 amp fuses.

In terms of how you run channels with adapters connected, be sure to avoid applying any dimming, twinkle or shimmer to ensure the light set adapter does not stop working or catch fire. Use just "on" (100%) and "off" (0%) on these channels.

I hope I have been successful in answering your question!
If your low voltage light sets have a 240V plug pack on them, it is more than ok to plug them into the controller. That is so yesterday!!!! been there done that and moved on
In fact a got rid of the plug pack and connected the light set straight to a DC card.
The plug packs just have a iron core transformer in them, so whatever the 240V side is doing, then so is the 24V side.
good luck buddy
bright spark said:
The plug packs just have a iron core transformer in them, so whatever the 240V side is doing, then so is the 24V side.
That used to be universally true, but some retail light sets are now sporting switchmode plug packs now. I noticed some last year like that. Don't want to dim those! BANG!
I have some light sets with the switchmode type of adapter from 3 maybe 4 years ago. They have been around for a a little while now.

The other thing to be careful of is turning a channel with an adapter on and off too quickly can raise the temperature of the adapter. Using preset effects like twinkle or shimmer on an adapter would have the same effect. Its always best to play it safe when controlling channels that have adapters plugged in. Yes its safe to control them, just don't go over board, and avoid dimming the.

Another display around the corner from me dimmed the old style adapter from a cheap shop light set and it now makes a loud clunky noise when operating. Sort of like a hum but quite loud!

That's just my cautious advise though.
sorry about sounding so cynical, just very tired over here in nappy land.
As a 31yr old I tend to sound like a grumpy old fart at times, actually more often than not these days.
I just find it funny how so often a simple question can attract some rather interesting and long winded replies, some that take a tangent away from what was asked.
As I have mentioned in other posts, just be careful about what information is given out. The are some many newbies out there who dont seem to have the faintest idea about how electricity works, other than plugging it. And then there are many more heroes who know just as little, but a friend of a friend told them something, and now passing it on as gospel, when they are simply leading up the garden path to nowhere.
Not saying that either of you fall into this category, as I dont know you!
But I am just concerned someone is going to get killed!
bright spark said:
sorry about sounding so cynical, just very tired over here in nappy land.
As a 31yr old I tend to sound like a grumpy old fart at times, actually more often than not these days.
I just find it funny how so often a simple question can attract some rather interesting and long winded replies, some that take a tangent away from what was asked.
As I have mentioned in other posts, just be careful about what information is given out. The are some many newbies out there who dont seem to have the faintest idea about how electricity works, other than plugging it. And then there are many more heroes who know just as little, but a friend of a friend told them something, and now passing it on as gospel, when they are simply leading up the garden path to nowhere.
Not saying that either of you fall into this category, as I dont know you!
But I am just concerned someone is going to get killed!

This is why im a big fan of using low voltage DC for lighting. The only unsafe voltages are for the power supplies which should be connected and wired up by a qualified electrician. Otherwise the rest is safe as long as you dont work on it during the rain.

Refer to the elctrical safety link for further info on the hazards of electricity and precautions that should be taken