Diffusing RGB Strips


New elf
Jan 13, 2012
Hello all,
I am switching over from incandecents to RGB dumb strips for my window and roof trim. My question is do I just put the strips up on a frame by itself or should I diffuse it with a strip of coro or something else? Your opinions mean a lot.
Thanks in advance,
I didn't diffuse my strips. Here is a pic with being all white.

Prior to the season, I did test a few strips and diffused them. I personally liked them not diffused.
It depends on the effect you want and location of RGB strips. if your strips are in the open make sure water proof. a defuser will give you a softer light and more blended colour where as naked led will be brighter and sharper and blending is not as great
I dont use any diffusion on my strips for the outline of my roof, gutters and windows. I feel it works better this way for outlines. I do use diffusion on other elements though.
It really goes doen to what effect you want, diffusing will give a softer look but a better mix, having no diffusion give the lines more impact. I like having more impact and sharpness for outlines