Full time elf
This thread jinxed me. I'm mounting pixels on my roofline using those square pixels that push into a 12mm hole. I've cut several strips of lexan and cut out all the holes using my cnc machine. I needed to add 10 pixels to a string of 50 and I'm pressing the pixels into the holes and got to where I spliced the pixels and wondered why is this pixel facing backwards. Then realized the arrows on the circuit board of the pixel were pointing the wrong way...doh. This wouldn't normally be too bad but I had already snapped in 50 pixels when I saw it...and I was standing on top of the roof having already mounted the lexan for the first 50 pixels. There was no way I was taking it all back down so I hauled an extension cord, my soldering iron, and heat gun out onto the roof and I flipped those 10 pixels around right there on the roof new heat shrink and all. I have clay roof tiles so you can only stand in certain spots without breaking them. Wasn't easy soldering with a cold wind and trying to stand there keeping my balance on an angle. Oh and I did all this in the dark with a headlamp. So no more disaster...the initial soldering mistake was the only issue...the recovery went quite well.