Falcon F16V3

Live2ride-Daniel said:
Just a suggestion that this thread be deleted so people don't get confused as an official Bulk buy thread for the F16V3. Just until darylc has official info and is taking interest for it!

Hi Daniel,

I am happy for people to indicate interest here as we will likely move straight to a buy thread once I have the information due to the time limitations.

Might be interested. I have a Megatree to control this year...
I'll jump on board - wishlist:
1 F16V3
1 Differential Expansion Board
4 Differential Receiver Boards
several F8-Distro Boards
My wishlist would be:

1 F16V3
1 Differential Expansion Board
4 Differential Receiver Boards
I never understand the use of a Differential Expansion Board and Receiver board.

My f16v2, I have just the standard Expansion board.

My understanding of the new F16v3 will accept 2 Expansion boards chained together.

Thats a lot of cables and universes.

Im planning to get two main boards at this stage.
differential boards... you can put 4 outputs using the receiver board 250+ feet away from main control board. but you need a power supply for those 4 outputs locally. If that makes sense.

I actually have a differential expansion plus 4 receiver boards - if anyone needs some. I went with the normal expansion board instead.