Hi there
Newby joining these boards from Bonnet Bay in Sydney. I have had a very basic off-the-shelf set up the last few years and this year am looking to take my first step into synchronisation - dip my toe in this year and hopefully work up to something more comprehensive next year. I'm not from an electronics background so have spent the last 2 days reading and re-reading the intro manual and trawling through many of the threads. My knowledge has increased markedly over these 2 days (from nothing to not much) and I can see this becoming a very satisfying hobby (/obsession) as I get more involved. Needless to say, I have got very little work done this week!
What I have in mind for this year is setting up three leaping arches using 2x 200 BigW lights per each arch, divided into 9 channels on each arch. This would result in 27 channels across the 3 arches. I would then run these back to a 27 channel DMX controller with RJ45 connections connecting back to my computer through a Cat 5 cable connected to a USB dongle on my computer.
The initial issue I am trying to get my head around: the controller I am looking at has 7V-24V DC input, however the LEDs run off 22V AC 10W supply which many of the threads I have read on here equates to approx. 31V DC. The packaging says the bulbs have a 3V 0.01W rating (not sure how the 3V bulb rating factors in).
Long question short, do you think I would be able to connect up a 24V DC power supply to the controller and still run these 6x200 strings? Any advice would be greatly appreciated. I look forward to sharing my progress with you all!
Newby joining these boards from Bonnet Bay in Sydney. I have had a very basic off-the-shelf set up the last few years and this year am looking to take my first step into synchronisation - dip my toe in this year and hopefully work up to something more comprehensive next year. I'm not from an electronics background so have spent the last 2 days reading and re-reading the intro manual and trawling through many of the threads. My knowledge has increased markedly over these 2 days (from nothing to not much) and I can see this becoming a very satisfying hobby (/obsession) as I get more involved. Needless to say, I have got very little work done this week!
What I have in mind for this year is setting up three leaping arches using 2x 200 BigW lights per each arch, divided into 9 channels on each arch. This would result in 27 channels across the 3 arches. I would then run these back to a 27 channel DMX controller with RJ45 connections connecting back to my computer through a Cat 5 cable connected to a USB dongle on my computer.
The initial issue I am trying to get my head around: the controller I am looking at has 7V-24V DC input, however the LEDs run off 22V AC 10W supply which many of the threads I have read on here equates to approx. 31V DC. The packaging says the bulbs have a 3V 0.01W rating (not sure how the 3V bulb rating factors in).
Long question short, do you think I would be able to connect up a 24V DC power supply to the controller and still run these 6x200 strings? Any advice would be greatly appreciated. I look forward to sharing my progress with you all!