GE Mini Men with Hats Models in Xlights


Full time elf
Aug 3, 2011
Gladstone, Qld
HI everyone
I am about to take ownership if the Minions singing faces, thanks to Sam from Christmas Props Australia. Starting to import into my sequences and this is where I hit a brick wall
The downloaded xlight models are messed up for Stuart and Kevin. I have spent several hours trying to fix them up, however I am really struggling with the mouths
Does anyone have models they would be willing to share.
In what way are they messed up? A quick look at the Kevin model and the shapes look okay. It doesn't sound like you have the coro yet so you can't have wired it back to front.
On my Kevin model, I had no face layout at all, have now built it. on the Stuart, all I had was the feet, rebuilt as well. Down loaded from 2 sources(xlights and Gilberts) not sure what happened. All I need is a map of the mouth arrangements for the various phrasings. Drawing a blank right now on the correct term
Direct from the Xlights download. Are you looking in the submodels rather than the faces section?

Legend. Thanks Aah. 👍
Looking at the faces. Bob was fine. just something screwed up in the down load for the other 2. This will get the models finished. I take it Kevin will be the same as the only difference is the number of eyes?? Should be able to work it out from here.
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Usually the face/mouth definitions aren't in the submodels section. They need to be in the faces in order to link them to the lyric tracks. Sometimes you may want to do things with the eyes etc while not singing which is about the only reason to have them in the 'submodels' rather than 'faces'.