General frusteration venting post


Let's do this!
Feb 20, 2013
Reno, Nevada
I just spend 2 straight hours diagnosing weird flickering in my pixels while testing through xLights. I tried different speed settings, different power injection points, different cable connections, etc. After 2 hours, I see such a simple little annoying solution...
Any guesses?
LOR Comm Listener was running the entire time hidden in my Windows Tray and interfering with xLights. Close the dumb thing and what do you know, all works perfect!
Aarrrgggggg! So frusterating, yet so simple!
Haha, I know it is the little things like that that drive you up the wall at times.
I did a similar thing a few weeks back. Well sort of.
I started my vixen program and setup all the new outputs etc for a modified megatree, the n turned on the controllers and hooked up the lights etc and started trying to diagnose my problem, checking power supplies all cables then went duh...
Shut down and restart the bloody program :p
Did you try just testing through the controller? I know the falcon controllers have a test button. Very easy to do testing without any network connectivity. Because I run 5v lights, I do all my testing with just a F4V2 and a phone charger wall wart wired to my F4V2. So simple to pull out and test anywhere anytime. I only add network connectivity if I want to change the test pattern (again on the Falcon GUI - no need for xLights to test). Hope this helps.
Been there done that, having one instance of xlights on one computer and on another computer in test mode can cause the same issue and cause you some head scratching..