Good article about E1.31 Protocol


Full time elf
Jun 12, 2010
Heres an extract from a great article in the PLSN magazine from Novemember about E1.31.. I'm only catching up with reading recently!

The full article is here;


Ladies and gentlemen, step right up and learn about the latest and greatest protocol to take the lighting industry by storm. It’s not DMX, it’s not Art-Net, and it’s not ACN. No, I am talking about ANSI E1.31.

You might say, “What is E1.31? I have never heard of such a thing.” Well, according to ESTA the official description is “Lightweight streaming protocol for transport of DMX512 using ACN.” Lots of lighting equipment within our industry already uses E1.31, so it is vital that you are informed of this new protocol. With a simple reading of this article, you too can become aware of this great innovation and be prepared for your next gig! And don’t forget that you get all this knowledge at the low, low price of…FREE!
Great Article.

Having worked in the networking industry over the last 20 years, I now have a much better idea of what the E1.31 protocol is.

DMX to Mutlicast address per universe makes a lot of sense from a network perspective.

I am still wondering how it will affect the scheduler PC's processing power.


From my experience the software that is running the scheduler has a lot more to do with it than the actual machine its running on.. Some of the software out there is very efficent, others of it runs like a dog, to get the same end result... I ran 22 universes on a Windows 7 Machine ( Quad Core, 4GB RAM ), and CPU use did'nt even get warm

