HE123Mk2 + FPP 6.3 Licensing


New elf
Dec 30, 2013
Narre Warren South

Not sure where to post this - apologies if there is a more suitable place.

Just setup my HE123Mk2 and installed FPP 6.3 on the SD card. All was well. Have read the copious amounts relating to the licensing and purchased a 48 port license and got the key. So far, so good.

In the FPP 6.3 webapp, there is no mention of the HE123Mk2 as a valid option for the virtual EEPROM, and have accidently set it to BBB16v2 (seeing the word "Hanson", got a bit excited).

Can anyone please shed light on which cape to select and/or instructions to get this working? I seem to see the Hanson HE123Mk2 in xLights controller setup, and have pushed that across, but cannot get output, making me think that the EEPROM image is causing grief.

Thanks in advance.
What a mess... Is there any real reason to upgrade the firmware if you are running it as a bridge?
Until the licensing stuff came out last year, there was no real eeprom firmware written for the board, it was just needed to be manually configured.
I built the eeprom generator originally for 5.5 to unlock some functions and as a proof of concept, and then it became necessary with 6.x for the license.
Boards produced before the end of last year are unprogrammed. The problem is that there is no virtual eeprom selectable for the board in FPP.

I am glad that manually installing it worked after selecting the wrong one on the front pages, there have been instances where it required manual intervention to get it sorted.
Post a screenshot of your cape EEPROM page and I can validate it for you.
Thanks @Skymaster, I simply generated an EEPROM file from the link above, uploaded it and re-signed it to the correct board type. My gripe is only that I've got 25+ years in IT and figured it out, but the average punter would struggle, I'd suggest. There should be a specific section in the FPP documentation relating to this scenario as it was a real PITA to find/figure out alone. Alternatively, the HE123Mk2 appears to be a fairly popular board - it would be ideal to see it in the dropdown of selectable EEPROM images from the FPP screen.
@powerfix - Understood. I am working on the latter part to get it added to the list. Those that are already in the drop down are old boards that never shipped with a physical EEPROM. This wasn't a concern until the licensing came out when it was needed to be able to sign something.
Newer boards from various manufacturers all come pre-programmed EEPROMs. The HE123 is an edge case where it had the EEPROM physically installed, but never programmed.
Apologies for coming late to the party.
The new license system has been a major frustration to me. A number of customers have gone through the process of buying a key and due to difficulties having to roll back to FPP5.5 which doesn't need the key.
Sometime in the fairly near future the initial FPP setup will include options for the HE123 and HE123D. I have had a lot on with family stuff over the past 6 weeks or so and when I get a chance I will be getting in touch with the FPP developers and giving them the files needed to add the HE123 options.
Thanks Alan, understand it's a terrible time of the year timing wise, but no problem at this point, it seems to be working as expected so far.
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