Help Needed FPP Connect Error


New elf
Dec 12, 2021
Hello please help - I made a few changes to modules, I have re saved the sequences and uploaded them through FPP connect, Now I am getting an error message on my FPP - The sequence plays but the audio doesnt. 2023-12-04 19_57_17-Window.png
The patch.0 parts in the filename look weird,
I suspect the patch.0 is the name given during upload and is meant to be changed to the proper name afterwoods,

I would delete them from the playlist, and delete the files if theyre in the file manager and re-render and try uploading again,
(also check to see if FPP and Xlights are up to date, as may have had a bug in one of them as they did a bunch of FPP connect changes over last few months)
What verison of xLights and FPP are you running? As @JohnsRdChristmas mentions - I do recall some issues in the last couple of months where names are not correctly transferred on FPP Connect; and the .patch.0 is added on the end.
I have updated both xlights and FPP - Re did the FPP connect and still getting the same error message.2023-12-04 21_02_37-Window3.png

All these errors started when I added null pixels into the display due to glitchy props. I created new sequences and re uploaded to them, when I did the new FPP connect upload is when I started getting the error messages. The sequence plays but there is no audio
The frustrating thing is I uploaded the show on around November 23, cause u made some changes to props adding null pixels, I re uploaded from FPP connect and now having these issues!! I hope someone can help, The Lights are running bit no audio :(
You can try renaming the sequence filenames and mp3 filenames, and readd them manually to a playlist, and should work in theory,
A pain, but will get you running.
Just Manual loaded - Didn't even know that was an option, it's up and running again. Thank you for getting me going again :)
Can you share a screenshot of the FPP connect window?

I had this issue consistently every upload about 4 months ago and I think changing the type from V2/Sparse to just V2 fixed it for me.
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I had a patch0 file appear a few days ago. I think the upload had an issue over wifi or something. I deleted the file from FPP and tried again through fppconnect and it worked.