Help, with Mulitpule Buttons for EFL Selfie Wings


Full time elf
Mar 20, 2011
I ordered a Input Externder Pi Hat in the bulk buy, saw a Youtube video on making different patterns in xLights for the Wings, made a box up with 14 buttons intereactive using these files plus Red, Blue, Green, Yellow and white.

As I am starting to put it all together, I noticed that The Pi Hat can only do 6 buttons (triggers) with the PI HAt, found an Exterder on ACL (thanks Phil), only to find that I can only do 12 triggters (buttons).

Using thes two boards via FPP gives me the twelve.

Can anyone point me how I can I incoperate the 14 buttons as triggers.

Can I use an another Input Extender PI Hat, (which means I would be using 2 Pi Hats, and one Extender)

Would FPP know I was using the extra boards, if so what do I need to be able to do this.

OR, is there another way to have 14 buttons triggered to run FSEQ files.

Sorry for the long post, but any help will be gratefully appreciatted.

Thanks Deblen
Here is a link to another ACL Forum thread with a similar question.

From a hardware design perspective, the 14 inputs could be multiplexed into 4 input bits, a binary 0 to 15. State 0 would be of course all buttons released or not pressed. A script either triggered or via periodic polling for button presses would need to handle de-multiplexing the inputs as well as debouncing them and perhaps locking out sequential button presses until a prior button press is completed.
The simplest idea would be to see if there are two more GPIO pins free on the Pi header sticking up out of the board, that are not already used by the hat + Input Extender. One would think there ought to be, based on this:


If you believe the labeling on the hat, any green pin (not ground) from 29 onward ought to be usable for another button. (Please do use a circuit that will protect the pi properly.)
Thanks for all the replies.
I am a novice when it comes to PI Hats etc, (Plug & Play).
Merryoncherry, I will attemp to find two pins that I can use. Appreciatted the idea.
Thanks Deblen
So, I think if you are playing with the Pi and 14 buttons and wanting to control the wings, you will be learning new things and getting your hands dirty.

The "find more gpio pins" approach will allow simple integration with fpp, xSchedule, and that. Finding the parts to make it work is trivial.

That said, if you want something more interesting, you might branch out from the pixel vendors and into the broad Pi community. People have made hundreds of hats, such as this one, that will do 16 inputs, sharing the same I2C pins with several more boards, and you could stack the experience board on top if you were so inclined. There are enough options to really get lost in the ideas.

Very interesting, does open up more options
Thanksfor the heads up, now need to see what I can acheive