Answered Help with PixLite 16 MkII and DMX Lights


New elf
Dec 17, 2015
North Gosford

I have purchased a PixLite 16 MkII, and I have six of the following lights from Ray WU

I have set My dmx universe to 50-54 and ch 1-512 for each as per screenshot

I have tried wiring via ethernet and also direct with the 3 cables testing via Xlights.

Whatever I do i can't seem to control them

Am I missing something?
I can only really tell you what I have.

I have 6 x 30W RGB floodlights running off the 3-pin of a Pixlite4. The floods are daisy chained with 2 x 24v PSU's either side of the house for powering.

Do you have one floodlight per output??
My six lights are daisy chained and plugged into DMX ch 1 only.

Can you tell me, when you turn yours on, do they flash randomly until given signal?

Im trying to work out what they are supposed to do when correctly hooked up. They only seem to flash RGB and I have no control over them
Here is picture of my setup.

mkII board -

plugged into lights -

Video of what they are doing:
From memory and its been a while since i have set up my dmx lights i think each light needs 3 channels so your first needs to start on 50 and your second on 53 and third on 56 etc
I am still waiting for ray to confirm. I assume they would be ch 1-16 though.

I have covered all channels however 1-512 so I don't think it really matters. Did you watch the video of what they are doing?
Normally Ray will set them to 1 - 16 unless you specify. I set mine to universe 1 and dmx channels 1-3 then 4 - 6 etc
I checked with him, he set as you have said.

Do they need to be piggy backed in order of channels or it should not matter? Just perplexed as to why they are not working
It does not matter what order you have them along the DMX line. Everything along the DMX line sees the same signal and you can even have multiple items responding to the same channels.
I can't tell a whole lot from your video other than it looks like they are in test mode doing the RGB repeating pattern. That is what happens on most of those Chinese lights when they don't have a legit DMX signal.

Your slightly plugging and unplugging them is not really helpful and could be an problem. I wouldn't do that a lot.. it is not a valid test for anything that I know of.

You could have your D+ and D- ass-backwards. Any valid DMX signal would stop the RGB test pattern regardless of what channel the program is putting out data for.
JuSt remember the gnd from the floods needs to go straight to the psu and a secondary gnd from the board to the psu. This was a mistake made .

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I unplugged the ground wire, and now the lights turn off. However i still cant control them..

Is there anyway to work out which wires are + - and ground or do I have to guess 1 in 9 combinations.

Here is pic of setup without ground -