

New elf
Mar 20, 2016
Im Bryce From SE Melb,

I really want to start to kick up my Christmas display but dont really have the time/money to go all out on pixels.

I think to start i want to use dumb RGB on three mini trees I will make. just 3 different sets of lights.

which if i understand is 9 channels.

I just need help on where to start with programs and controllers, i am getting lost it all goes to deep with pixels. i was hoping for something fairly simple to start with.all with out spending $$$$$

Thanks Bryce
Hi Bryce
Welcome to ACLMelb
Sounds a lot like you need to make your way to the Melbourne lighting mini in May
If you haven't already then download the ACL 101. It's got enormous amount of great blinky info.
3 rgb trees is 9 channels and the easiest way to control them is a dc dmx controller running off a usb dongle. The controlling software choices really are Xlights 4 or Vixen 3. There's lots of others but several cost money and those 2 choices are free and powerful.
As for controllers there's a reasonable list on http://auschristmaslighting.com/wiki/Controllers#Feature_Comparisons
I should have my new DMX18 available in a week or so. I'm just waiting on pcbs to turn up so I can build and test some.
Hi curytntm

There is minimal price difference between pixels and dumb RGB. I'm no longer buying any dumb RGB because pixels are capable of so much more.

What sort of lights do you already have? In my first year of computer control, I converted my existing lights to computer control and was very happy with the result. It was cheaper than buying dumb RGB because I already had the lights but it was more complicated. Added pixels in my second year while still using the old lights. If you want to use yours, count the number of wires between the 8 function controllers and first LED. The ones with 2 wires AND an 8 function controller need a different controller type from AAH. I also agree that a USB dongle is worth having but you might want to switch to an E1.31 to DMX bridge because dongles can stutter. Even still, a dongle is worth having for testing purposes because they're simple to plug in and use.

Have a read of the 101 manual if you haven't already as it is a great starting point for information http://auschristmaslighting.com/forums/index.php/topic,1889.0.html

Also visit us in chat. Chat is a great place to ask questions and get to meet the forum members.

Background knowledge is not required.
Welcome to ACL, it may all seem very daunting at the moment with a steep learning curve but if you stick with it and start reading the posts and the ACL 101 lighting manual then all the pieces will start to fall into place
Thanks For your help every one.

need to do a lot of reading and thinking.
Thanks again for your advise and all the info on this site.

Hi ,

Welcome to ACL. For what you want to start off with - you may wish to consider the following

- xLights as sequencing software - its great and its free
- A Raspberry Pi to run your show
- Either a 'HAT'/board over the PI which will run some pixels (I think that there are two current/in flight ones on the forum - AAH and Smartalec) or
- A Pixlite 4
- Pixels (I use 12 V) and a couple of 12V PSUs.

Pixlite 4
Or you may wish to look at