HLS - New Sequencer if any are Interested

Joe Hinkel updates his excellent program and adds additional functions so quickly I decided to start a Wiki to keep the user manual up to date. I've added links to all of the video tutorials that have been created and started a section for hints and tips. It is a community Wiki so it's open to all for additions/edits. Here is a link to the Wiki: http://hinkles-lighting-sequencer.wikia.com/wiki/Hinkle%27s_Lighting_Sequencer_Wiki
to all noobs out there, i used HLS for the first time this year and starting from scratch for this year for a display as well. I ahve ahd several queries regarding HLS and my setup and sending queries to Joe got rapid response and positive results. I only looked at vixen etc quickly and jumped in when Joe posted onto this website/forum. All i can say the program works great , between Joe and other members of this community who helped my questions with answers and solutions. I got up and running this year and comment have been very favourable (no body within 100km we think has a display "synced".) so please accept my thanks to everyone and have a merry new year. As well as, if you wish to try HLS then do so, you wont be dissapointed and a have a great 2013 to everyone!!

cheers Boof63
Hey all,
I tried using this program last night and tried using the practise tutorial. All was going well but I seem to be losing some functions within the program. Like within the channel link I'm missing the active colour selection tick box at the top right hand side of the screen.
Do I have the latest software? Can someone please forward me a link to where I can find it?
When I go into the HLS program and click file and ' is there an hls update' it says I have the latest software but still when I go to manage channels then manage raw channels, the pop up opens. The top right hand corner should have active colour selection with a tick box. Mine doesn't have it. Also I'm missing the 'edit sequence paint selection' menu within the manage channels drop down menu.

This is as far as I got so I don't know what else is missing. Hope this extra info helps.

Does anyone know what I can do to fix this or do I have the latest and its actually the manual that needs updating?

Cheers and thanks
manual needs updating definately, a wiki is being written/updated currently,
http://joehinkle.com/HLS/ is Joe's site for downloads
http://hinkles-lighting-sequencer.wikia.com/wiki/Hinkle%27s_Lighting_Sequencer_Wiki is the wiki site
my version is 11F, i dont think i have 'edit sequence paint selection' that i can see, but i do have paint selection box in top right of 'manage raw channels'. suggest delete old copy and reinstall a new version.
1. make BACKUP of all Sequences files.
2. just delete HLS exe and reinstall for first try .
3 if not good- install to new folder and copy across sequences ...etc and see if it runs ok then delete old version
Allways keep copy of sequences elsewhere as backup in case of corruption of files (Happend to me on one song- lost the lot=restart :( )
cheers Boof63
I think in the last two weeks he's updated the software, and seems to do it quite often. I've been playing with it, and actually find it easy to play with.

I've just got to settle on my show items, music and process of sequence music.
HLS is getting a new Preview screen, if you see any version greater than 11F DO NOT USE THEM, they are test versions only. Joe will turn on the UPDATE switch when he is ready to let you know.

This year, half way through the season, my whole display was converted from LOR to HLS and it fixed all my timing problems with running DMX. Joe is writing a very good program. Easiest conversion I have ever done.
I did not plan on any show this year. Then Angus40 lent me a Ren SS16. With HLS, I converted 2 16 channel LOR S2 sequences, and did a third on my own. I have already started to sequence my "big" show for next year. WOW is all I can say about this sequencer and the support from Joe. Here are 2 links to some tutorials to help get you guys started...

This first one is to Angus40's Vimeo page. Lots of useful and great tutorials from beginner to advanced.

This one is to mine. This first video is for install and update of HLS. (a very beginner tutorial) I also have one on the Preview and how to set it up, but that tutorial will be null and void soon. Joe is working on a greatly improved preview.

This one is to Joe's youtube channel and his tutorials.

You will have to watch the videos as each one covers multiple aspects of the sequencer. They may be outdated, but you will get the idea of where to look and what to do.

All I can say is just play around with it. I did, and I find it fairly easy to use. Make 2 copies of it and run one for playing around and one for actual show sequencing. That is what I do.

Have fun!
Fantastic Effort Joe, Will be looking forward to this as mega tree is on 2013 plan.I'm guessing that as far as what we want in , pretty well everything that nutcracker does would be great.
Can we still use nutcracker files to import and then your pixel plane display it as in your demo (if you don't have a certain effect available). or do you envisage pixel plane to repalce nutcracker. either way its a great effort, thanks in advance.

cheers Boof63 :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
Boof63 said:
Fantastic Effort Joe, Will be looking forward to this as mega tree is on 2013 plan.I'm guessing that as far as what we want in , pretty well everything that nutcracker does would be great.
Can we still use nutcracker files to import and then your pixel plane display it as in your demo (if you don't have a certain effect available). or do you envisage pixel plane to repalce nutcracker. either way its a great effort, thanks in advance.

cheers Boof63 :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
If Nutcracker effects wont work all our sequences will be for not . I would assume they will work :)