HLS - New Sequencer if any are Interested

AussiePhil said:
For 4 weeks now i've bumbled and stumbled over HLS and got frustrated with not having a couple of simple wizards to guide you through creating a basic starting sequence.
I agree with this - the first time you load any application, you need to know what your first steps are. Even a popup information panel with a "getting started" guide would be a great start.
I have discovered a great way to quickly <<<operative word
get some custom rgb effects thanks to hls and nutcracker's compatibility .

This video will give you a bit of insight as to how you can use rgb channels to create and view nutcracker effects or your own custom effects for use on a pixel plane in Hls.

Using features in hls to save your effects as pixel plane effects .

Some of you may want custom effects on your pixel plane and this will show you how .

If you just want to use Nutcracker effects you will not need this video unless you want to see them played in preview .

For those interested in custom effects please post to this thread I think a central file share for custom effects would be required .

However we may need some show of interest .

I am creating a series of custom effects for pixel icicles , you may have certain elements that require a creative sequence that is not available via auto creation through ( and thank you very much Mr Smeighan ) Sean's Nutcracker effects generator.


This is the final how to for hls video for me .

this series of videos should enable you to get a show up and running.


Thanks to Joe we will be able to sequence and control very large channel counts for 2012 without eating in to our hardware budgets.

Joe , while humble has refused to accept donations etc for Hls .
He has maintained that hls will be freeware .

I have suggest he adds a donations button to his new Hls website.

Over 1500 views to this thread , there is a great deal of interest .

Keep up the great work Joe !


this video shows how you save your complete channel layout to use in new song sequences.

your paint in preview will be saved along with your layout, but you will need to re-create the work groups to establish a grid.

another thing to remember is that while in preview you will only see the active work group that is loaded to the grid.

creating work groups reduces the size of the grid for ease of working , to see all work groups in preview you need to create a work group that includes all channels .

For those using hls

there is an updated version available 5n


preview has been majorly improved allowing you to vector channels.

ie) you paint a string/line and select to set multiple channels on it .

If you have named any of your channels make sure that the name is after the designated hls channel #.

Like this

example 1) 10CH1 Mega_tree

not like this

Mega_tree 10CH1

HI ,can someone please help me sort out a snafu i've created.
I have listed all my pixels for each element (as per DMX) , rather than have them setup for RGB, ie candy cane has 24 pixels and not 8 x rgb lines in HLS. Have looked at the conversion of red,green.blue to RGB process but to do tha,t do i need to uncheck RGB selection box and then colour in each pixel X colour- i think?
or is their easy way to reduce pixel count back to module count ie 24 pix -> 8 rgb modules.
Any help would be greatly appreciated as i have almost finished one song and not sure which way to go for the rest.
cheers and thanks
first thing i would do is make a duplicate folder of your hls folder and name it hls1 or something.

your question is a little bit confusing .

1 ) Do you want to turn single channels to rgb
2 ) or are you trying to turn rgb channels to single channels?

if it is # 1 watch this video
Train Three to RGB.mp4

if its # 2 you will need to color code your channels after unchecking rgb.

either way i would back up hls .

Thankyou angus40, i was afraid that is what i had to do (cod red, blue , green for each pixel ie line 101,102, 103) and thne amalgamte .Another question arises is does this apply to strip (WS2811) that i will use on arches or does it just apply to rgb modules or both ?? as they are all rgb pixles?
Thanks again for your help,
cheers Boof63 :-\ :-\ :-\ :-\
Boof63 said:
HI ,can someone please help me sort out a snafu i've created.
I have listed all my pixels for each element (as per DMX) , rather than have them setup for RGB, ie candy cane has 24 pixels and not 8 x rgb lines in HLS. Have looked at the conversion of red,green.blue to RGB process but to do tha,t do i need to uncheck RGB selection box and then colour in each pixel X colour- i think?
or is their easy way to reduce pixel count back to module count ie 24 pix -> 8 rgb modules.
Any help would be greatly appreciated as i have almost finished one song and not sure which way to go for the rest.
cheers and thanks

Hi Boof63

when your adding your channels under manage channels in Hls you need to take into account rgb=3 and click the set to rgb channles box

so if you have a ws2811 strip-string of 50 pixels you would add 50 channels set the universe # and start address.

this goes for dumb rgb also.

this really nicr thing about Hls is Joe designed it based on dxm - universe structure .

This is ideal for single channel or rgb channel addressing.

Joe has also added many new features that will help you , when doing things like your arches for example you can group the pixels in segment form

say your arch is 42 pixels and you want to set it to 7 sections -segments of 6 pixels . using the segment option in Hls you 6 rgb channels for each segment get collapsed to 1 channel similar to a pixel plane but reminn part of the segment group

this is very usefull when sequencing as it reduces 42 rgb channels on the editor grid to 7 .

this is just 1 of the many great tools Joe has in his Hls sequence editor.
how do i copy my light setup in HLS to start a new sequence, without rekeying in the whole setup again. If angus40 or anyone can help this will be very appreciated , thanks in advance
cheers Boof63