HLS - New Sequencer if any are Interested

indudio said:
Hey Mate,

I have been playing with the HLS and would love to be a teater. I find its simplicity a big bonus and the feature for having 1 channel for RGB much easier and quicker than vixen. I am looking at getting one of the new ECG-D2<<<<<< Hls supports this Device as Ed-J1sys states the
ECG-D2 - E1.31/ArtNet which means yous attach this controller to your computers nic -network adapter directly or to a router / switch .

Currently Hls is compatible with 90% of all hardware with the exception of Rj's Lynx dmx dongle - which is awaiting Rj's input for Joe to procede with.

http://auschristmaslighting.com/forums/index.php/topic,2116.0.html]([url=http://auschristmaslighting.com/forums/index.php/topic,2116.0.html]http://auschristmaslighting.com/forums/index.php/topic,2116.0.html[/url]) when they come out. ANy chance of getting support for this device?



Being a tester today just means using the tool and providing comments/suggestiuons.

I look forward to hear from you.

Hey Joe
After the help from you and Angus, HLS is now running smooth and strong. I am now well prepared for the display this coming weekend
just thought if a nice tool. Mirror. so if have a chase. you can mirror the chase and have it go back
Love the new tools and keep up the great work
look on the tool bar in hls Doug

Keyboard commands Ctrl v and ctrl h do the mirrioring :)

press the ctrl key then drag your mouse over the effect you want to mirrior.

you always need to use the selection box feature

it can be used in 2 fashions #1 with the ctrl key pressed place the cursor directly on the upper left most corner of the effect you want to mirror and drag the mouse to the end point you desire and click to set the end point.

then ctrl c to copy the effect into clipboard

move to the time tic you want the mirror to be placed and select it and drag the mouse to create a sellection box -click to end point and then ctrl v or ctrl h which you like.

#2 is the same as above but without pressing the ctrl key before you select the effect to be mirrored. this will add a time tic if the upper left most has sequence data enabled , by pressing the ctrl key prior allows selection directly.

I am curious as to how many of you would bbe interested to have multiple effects

layered . I have learnd an easy way to do this with HLS .

as an example > you could have a spin effect with a chase-meteor and a color changing effect and a spiral all Simultaneous .

If interested post here and i could do a couple of videos on this .

First this i suggest is that you creat an account at Sean Smeighans Nutcracker site .
Design a few elements and download 1 of each effect for each ellement .
32 string mega tree with 30 pixels per string .> create a spiral ,create a meteor, create a snowstrom. etc 1 of each , name each for the element you will use them for .
3 string 50 count mini tree . > " " "
and so on .
save these effects to the nutcracker folder in hls .
i have made a crude video that explains the beginning of this rgb how to .
Sorry for the sloppy paint in preview , this was done quick and i am not steady with painting using a mouse.

hopefully this will give some idea , i will make a better and more detailed video on this .
in this video i only painted 9 strings and 10-12 pixels from each string for demo purpose only .
my rgb count is 1344 pixels in the editor , to much to paint.
however i will show you in the next video step by step how to cheat and sequence only the first universe .
quick and crude video here >>>>> https://vimeo.com/45328435
Any chance for this software to have MP3's added to the audio selection..
as not everyone use's windows to make there mega mix's also WAV is basicly a microsoft thing.

Whilst it might have started life as a Microsoft file format it has been adopted as the basis for European Broadcasting Union (EBU) Broadcast Wave standard (BWF). BWF is recommended as the preferred format for the delivery of music recordings to record companies in the Draft Recommendation for Delivery of Recorded Music Projects developed by the Delivery Specifications Committee of the Producer's and Engineer's Wing of the Recording Academy (National Academy of the Recording Arts and Sciences). BWF specified in AES31-3-1999, the Audio Engineering Society's specification for simple project interchange.

I would say that an uncompressed wave file is about as standard and basic as you get.

Really for sequencing work WAV is better than an MP3. Actually the most interesting container format we could use with sequencers would be the OTS container, pity the company that uses it won't open up the container for greater use. The OTS file was designed from scratch to encapsulate an MP3 and make them jitter free as well as add all sorts of tag information including beat markers, lighting cues etc.

To Joe,

For 4 weeks now i've bumbled and stumbled over HLS and got frustrated with not having a couple of simple wizards to guide you through creating a basic starting sequence.

Could you look at creating at least a get started with a basic sequence wizard, something that would get the newbie up and running with some channels or groups in the window ready to lay effects down. If you can get people this far then they pick up the logical starting steps and get to play fairly quickly without the frustration of reading the manual or following a video just to get something they can play with.

This would also help the not quite up to speed presenters at Minis to get a basic sequence up to show what can be done.

Over to you for comment......
