HOT Pixels - WS2011 pixels getting hot

scooby doo

New elf
Jan 9, 2014
[SIZE=medium]Im new to the whole pixel thing and have noticed that my WS2811 pixel tape was getting very hot. Just wondering if this is a common issue or if im doing something wrong. Im using 12v pixels and have 5m strips of 30 LED/ m. I have read that 12v pixels create heat in wasted energy but how much heat is that, and is they anything that can be done to reduce it? [/SIZE]

Not much you can do about it except try and sequence so they have less white and longer breaks in between.
Just double check your 12v is in fact 12v at the string.
Otherwise... how hot is hot? Is it warm to touch or is it so hot you cannot touch it?
They are not "hot hot" but they are a little bit hotter than "hot to the touch" if you know what i mean. The Voltage is 11.9V but that is not out of the normal. But thanks for the advice :)
It is only the 12V nodes (strings) that waste the energy as heat. Assuming your RGB LEDs are controlled in groups of three then your strips should not be getting hot.
Strip should not get so hot that its hard to touch, sounds like there is an issue. Traditional strip running at 12vdc will have 3 LEDs to a group that reduces the amount of energy being wasted. This should be what you have. Do you have any details of the strip you are using because it sounds like its getting hotter than it should.