How big is big? Matrix size that is...

If you want to use them with FPP, be aware that FPP currently only supports the 1/8 scan 32x16 panels and 1/16 scan 32x32 panels. The 1/2 and 1/4 scan outdoor panels are not supported right now. I should be getting a outdoor panel soon so I can look at adding support for the different scan rate to FPP, but it may be a little while before it is working. I think it can work I just need to find time to spend messing with it.
I'm still in 2 minds - 4x4 or 5x5 panels?
I saw Gerry's at the Melbourne mini which I believe was 4x4 and looked a nice size up close, but my viewing distance would be further away, and I might be able to squeeze in a little more detail in images and video with 5x5....
Ran 4 x 4 in landscape mode last year (HLS + Rons Holiday Controller)
Worked well in the video of "Frozen Olaf".
Viewing was from 10 metres to 15 metres (across road)
All the kids enjoyed it immensly, had it also on a 75 pix X 20 string matrix on rooftop (Viewing distance 15-25m)
This has a pitch of 3.3 cm- so much less resolution. It worked with frozen last year but was pretty poor visually.
P10 at the distances stated worked a treat and many people ask how i got the "tv screen" to hang under the eave.
So 4x4 would be fine for inside 15m view distance, if longer then 5x5 may be better again (bigger is better!!)
Cheers Boof63