I need help with configuring my controller

Dec 13, 2015
Hi All

I seem to have hit a hurdle, I had my Controller working before when I had it connected to the network, but am struggling running shows through the Pi ethernet out.

Here is what I have configured

  • Gateway (eero6) Local IP

FPP on RaspberryPi 4 - Connected to Gateway over Wifi
  • Wifi IP
  • Ethernet Ip
Genius Pixel 16 Controller - Connected to RaspberryPi with ethernet
  • IP

Proxy Configured on FPP to access Genius over the network.

xLights on my MacBook can see the controller and I can upload output configuration to it.
With all this configured, I can't make my lights light up with either running a show from FPP or using Output to lights on xLights. Where am I going wrong?

I have tested using the test mode on the controller and my lights do light up.

This is year 1 for me so Im still awaiting by bulk order of lights, I just have one string connected to port 1 on the controller for testing for now

Thanks in advance everyone,
Looking forward to receiving your help

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I have been able to get the output from FPP to work!! YAY!

However it seems the xLights - Output to lights isn't workings still

Needs some help with this one, Im out of ideas
Given you have a proxy set up and working, the trick here is to ensure that the DDP input is enabled on FPP.
Goto Channel Inputs -> E1.31/DDP/etc page and make sure the enable box is ticked. You don't need to have any other configuration for DDP to work.

Unfortunately I dont have an FPP accessible to get the exact screenshots for you.