Interactive mailbox

Did you end up finding something to use in your mailbox to make it interactive?
That gives me an idea for my sons playground. Connect one these

To one of those testers

so that when kids climb into the tower bit, the lights go on. One question though, I see those testers have buttons like "auto" and "mode". Does anyone know what the "modes" are? Can you set them to twinkle or colour cycle etc and do they default to the last setting used if the pir switch is going to be turning the tester on and off.
Heya, yeh waiting on Jago as hes coming up with some bits that will hopefully do the trick.

Just read the infared sensor logan, apparently it detects the human bodys infared? Unfort in my case I need it to just see motion as it may not see the human body.

Ive got 3 x 12v pixel testers on their way, I did already have one but somehow killed it, no idea how, I think they are a little fragile.

I would like the interactive mailbox to be indepedent as I dont want to be mucking around with it.
I did spot a sensor online that used microwave rather than infrared so dont know if that would pick up the movement of an object as opposed to the human body.
Look forward to seeing the mailbox in action if you can make it work.
logandc99 said:
I did spot a sensor online that used microwave rather than infrared so dont know if that would pick up the movement of an object as opposed to the human body.
Look forward to seeing the mailbox in action if you can make it work.

"Microwave".. cool.. lets fry them when they make a donation :D
Microwave maybe is just a different way of saying ultrasonic in this instance. (I could be wrong, and often are) but if that is the case they are very prone to false triggers, Back in the day I had one in my car as a car alarm sensor and as it got too hot it would trigger.
I did see a you tube video a while ago where this bloke in the U.S. did a similar thing and it lit up a sign on the roof saying thanks when someone put a donation in his donation box.
If I find it again I will post
All that is needed is a through beam sensor or an infared beam sensor and have this placed inside the letterbox so it is located across the letterbox open slot, this way when ever someone puts any money in the beam will break and then you can trigger your desired effect.

Another way is to put a little spring loaded flap at the letterbox entry with a little proximity switch so when someone puts money in, then the flap moves and then the proximity detects (or vise versa) the movement.
If there is a flap that opens, then all you need is a microswitch that gets hit by the flap. No need to make it complicated, just a simple switch.