Is LOR only AC option?


Full time elf
Dec 8, 2012
Chirnside Park, Victoria, AU
Looking at grabbing a CTB16PC and case for $183 plus shipping. (Board made up, and enclosure only)
I only need say 6-8 AC channels and was thinking i might just use some contactors I have lying around (electrician by trade) for the few AC rope lights I have.

Don't think I want to get into Renard as it seems like an older system and only worthwhile if your already heavily invested in it.
Any other options I haven't come across yet?? 4 channel DMX AC contoller or something??

BattleElf (Wifes new conjoining of nicknames, I rather like it)
Honestly the LOR AC dimmers are the cheapest (non-DIY) AC dimmers you can buy.

There are 4ch dimmers on aliexpress that are pretty decent at around the $100 mark delivered.

Also Ray has 12ch switches (on/off - no dimming) for around $180 delivered.

But when it comes down to it 16ch LOR/DMX dimmer for say $250 (I saw in another thread somewhere) is great value for controlling 240v.