Lawrence Drive Lights - Arch Build (Air Seeder Tubing with Square Pixel Nodes)


Senior elf
Jan 16, 2018
I was looking at the various ways everyone was doing arches from bending conduit into a arch and using cable ties to attach strip or pixel nodes, using PEX tubing (or air seeder tubing) with strip inside or even using coro cut into arch shapes and attached to conduit etc.

I decided I wanted the diffused look so I purchased some Air Seeder tube from

It arrived quickly and my first intention was to build the arches like most had done with strip inserted in the transparent tube.

When the air seeder tube arrived I went with the similar approach that others have used of a 32mm conduit T for a base to attach the tubing to and I used some scrap left over from a previous project 5mm aluminum flat bar between the bases to help the arches keep their shape.

I then decided to go down a slightly different path to the other arch builds I had seen I wanted to use pixel nodes instead of using pixel strip.

So I did a little test of drilling some 12mm holes in the inside of the the air seeder tube that forms the arch and inserted some 12mm bullet nodes, after a quick test I decided they looked great, with some very minimal “hot spotting” from the individual nodes (the hot spotting looks worse in the video, and is hardly noticeable).

I had a different idea about this and decided to go down a different path and use pixel nodes.

Here is a Youtube video of my “Pixel Node Arches”.


I did make the first arch a little longer and taller (approx. 2000mm base and approx. 1200mm high but after having a quick look where I wanted the arches to be located for my display they seemed a bit big, so hence I went with the smaller size).

Basic specifications for my Arches are;

12mm square pixel nodes (as they sit nice and flush in the air seeder tube, bullet type nodes would work ok but I liked how the square nodes fitted).

50 nodes per arch @ 50mm spacing.

Arch base width approx. 1600mm

Arch height approx. 900mm


I modified my original jig I used for the house outline to help drill the air seeder tubing with a 12mm spade drill bit, with the stop set on the drill press to only drill on side of the tubing.

Drilling the air seeder tubing for the square nodes


I first looked at using bullet type pixels and they looked like this;

I then went with the square type node as they sat nice and flush against the air seeder tube

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I was thinking of using nodes when I make my arches, however I was going to put the nodes inside the tube and not the way you have done it, it is certainly a different take on doing things which is what I love about the community we all have our own way of making stuff which makes everyone different, not sure I want to drill holes in my tube but I will try plan A first once I get some tube lol.
Ok Following on with this Arch Build

I had some left over Air Seeder Tubing and some spare nodes and spare Ray Wu stars (I was going to use the stars on the Spiral Trees, but they looked a bit small)

So I had a idea of some Air Seeder Sticks and Stars


So basically some approx 800mm length of Air Seeder Tubing and drill the same as the Arches and fit some square nodes into the side of them.
I fitted them into the side as it reduced the "Hot Spot" look from directly looking at the nodes.

A quick pic of the tubing with a conduit T fitted to the base

One issue I did have was the air seeder tube was curved / bent
I did try putting it out in the sun and straighten etc, but it wold alway bend back

They looked a bit like this when bent.


So I simply added a length of aluminium able to the back of stick to straighten it and h=secured with cable ties


I also fitted the stars to the top of the tubing with a simple pipe securing clamp as seen it the above picture.

I also fitted a piece of scrap off cut timber to the base with a hole drilled to enable a tent peg to secure into the lawn.

I then decided to fit the "sticks n stars" next to my arches

Here is a short dodgy video of them running
Note" The iPhone camera shows the "Hot Spotting" worse then what it actually is, they look great in person. 6-6-18, 2 23 55
i have been looking to do similar, but with putting square nodes into boscoyo strip and feeding it through the tube

Yes I did first look at trying to fit some nodes inside the tube, but it didn't want to play the game so to speak for me. I found drilling the tube easy, also the nodes hold in place nicely, only downside is you can see the wires a bit, but thats ok with me.
would a strip in the tube be a good idea?

Hi yes lots pf people use strip inside their air seeder tube for aches which also looks great.

I just decided to use pixels nodes as I think the pixels nodes are easier to repair if you have a failure compared to strip.
Didn't think about repairs - thought the lights would be indestructible :D. I might purchase some seed tube and a strip and bullets, make two and go from there. I can always drill more holes in the one with a strip. Plugging up holes will be more challenging.
How about drilling the holes in the back of the tube, rather than in the bottom ?

I'm thinking that doing it that way might make the tube more evenly illuminated too. :)

Hiding the cables shouldn't really come in to it, as of a night time you're not likely to see them.

The only thing I need to work out is the gaps between the nodes, thinking 50mm is the go, but considering wider than that, although wider apart might add to 'hot-spotting'.
Here is a slight variation I have done on the Air Seeder Arches for this year. (Version 2)

Same style and measurements as above with a variation of the bottom bracket to hold the Air Seeder Tubiing

Using the familiar Conduit T pieces I went with some conduit glands and some 20mm conduit to hold the arches bases.




As you can see in the pictures I drilled a hole in the inspection cover to fit the conduit gland and then screwed the cover back on (with some longer screws as the supplied ones with the T pieces are a bit short and won't hold very well) and then simply fitted the 20mm conduit into the glands and tighten them up.

Glands used similar to these

They seemed to hold up well this season, so maybe a alternative option for those looking to make Arches.
Great idea for bracing arches. Personally I find the air seeder hose naturally creates its own arch, so I just chose a diameter I liked and screwed some hex head screws through some 300mm steel edging pegs diagonally on the feet at each end. I might just use those conduit glands for another idea though