LED DMX Modules


New elf
Feb 1, 2014
Hi all,

New member here, I've done a fair bit of browsing on this forum though and thought it time to put something back.

I recently purchased a bunch of those lovely little white LED DMX modules and the supplier gave me no option on DMX address. I assumed that they would have some form of addressing configuration but was unfortunately mistaken.

To that end I created a small command line utility that uses the FTDI DMX cable I already had (thankfully) and have now successfully managed to reprogram the addresses :)

I've made the program freely available with absolutely no strings attached (and no guarantees either) but wanted to seek permission before posting the link here as I wasn't sure of the forum etiquette surrounding this.


Welcome to ACL Scott.
Can you post a link/picture of the modules you are talking about?
I don't really think there is a need to run the "okayness" to post a link through the mod process. If it is a proggy/prcess you've developed then you are free to share.
AAH said:
Welcome to ACL Scott.
Can you post a link/picture of the modules you are talking about?
I don't really think there is a need to run the "okayness" to post a link through the mod process. If it is a proggy/prcess you've developed then you are free to share.

The forum is mostly self moderating. If you post good stuff, people will come back and say so. If you post rubbish, it wont' take long and people will say so as well. On the whole i dont think the mods need to filter much at all, but i might be wrong.
SBDJ said:
Hi all,

New member here, I've done a fair bit of browsing on this forum though and thought it time to put something back.

I recently purchased a bunch of those lovely little white LED DMX modules and the supplier gave me no option on DMX address. I assumed that they would have some form of addressing configuration but was unfortunately mistaken.

To that end I created a small command line utility that uses the FTDI DMX cable I already had (thankfully) and have now successfully managed to reprogram the addresses :)

I've made the program freely available with absolutely no strings attached (and no guarantees either) but wanted to seek permission before posting the link here as I wasn't sure of the forum etiquette surrounding this.



Feel free to post it here Scott
SBDJ said:
Hi all,

New member here, I've done a fair bit of browsing on this forum though and thought it time to put something back.

I recently purchased a bunch of those lovely little white LED DMX modules and the supplier gave me no option on DMX address. I assumed that they would have some form of addressing configuration but was unfortunately mistaken.

To that end I created a small command line utility that uses the FTDI DMX cable I already had (thankfully) and have now successfully managed to reprogram the addresses :)

I've made the program freely available with absolutely no strings attached (and no guarantees either) but wanted to seek permission before posting the link here as I wasn't sure of the forum etiquette surrounding this.



Thanks for sharing this, im sure some members will find this very useful.

I myself have used a couple of these in the past and Im also wondering if this app can be used to set the start address of the pixel controller type that is also offered
Holidaycoro has similar DMX modules, and i see several in different web sites with all different prices from $8 to $25 apiece. Labels are sometimes different as is the case. But, are these all the same inside?

Also, i see some are specified as 12v, some 24v, another that said it works with 5v-24v. Some say specify at time of order which you would like. Do they all work with 5v-24v, or are there really different models?

Edit- i also just noticed that some say 4A and some say 2A, so that's looking like they really are different devices. I wish there were more specs or manuals online, i can use several dozen, but it's a lot to spend without knowing the differences between the similar modules.

Are they actually supplying constant current? I'm guessing that you have to insert a limiting resistor on each of the outputs- the output voltage is always the same as the input?

Here are two links, one to the holidaycoro version and 2 others i found, they look a bit different, are they the same?




The holiday coro ones and possibly others will come from Rita Lighting/Ray Wu. Pretty well no-one here will have various different ones to compare side by side.