Lerch the Spider


Funding & Tech Support
Oct 5, 2010
This year will have few things for Halloween ...

Lerch is my new spider. He is hiding in the corner of my workshop. He eats bugs and small children...mmm now that could be a theme..

You can see him in progress here

Spider1.gif Spider5.gif
Lerch looks great, I sure hope there's no small children in the pipeline after the wedding or his life might be very short lived.
Lerch now has some legs...they are 3m long each so he is taking over my workshop.


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As Halloween is rapidly approaching Lerch has started to grow.

Now he has legs (well not yet attached)


And here is his body under test.



All up 1 x E16ii and 11 x Stellablack strings plus one 24V linear actuator ... ooh we put him up tomorrow!.
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Lerch is now Henry

Somewhere on the way Lerch changed his name to Henry and came out for Halloween this week.

Henry was the star of the light show for our Halloween party last night (we had enough witches for a coven and needed blood on tap) and now lots of folks stop out front and take photos.

He is a multi-coloured spider with 11 x 42 pixel strings and a linear actuator.
Fantastic effort, not bad for a one night show!!! Do want to see some video please- he/she is truly impressive, kids should have a ball.
cheers Boof63
Tuppets Halloween

Well our first real try at a Halloween show. We had a fancy dress party for 70 people on the Friday before Halloween and had fun decorating inside and outside. Tuppet and Mother Tuppet made Ghoul food for all.

I was away for the 31st of October but Mother Tuppet and Brother Tuppet were up to the job. We had about 250 trick or treaters who cleaned us out of lollies and took lots of photos.

You can see our show ...starring Henry (He is the spider not the skeleton) .. I am the handsome one.. 8)

! Private video

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x2Y_tAvsz4M

You can also see a few pics from our party.



