LightFactory Personal - Comments and Questions


Dedicated elf
Jun 20, 2009
Canberra, ACT, Australia
I am pleased to announce after much discussion that we have created a personal edition of LightFactory specifically for this community.

This product is available for $499 and can be purchased from this link:

This license is similar to the 100+ universe professional edition of LightFactory that is valued at $5000 (a 90% discount).

The following restrictions will be applied to the personal edition:
Non commercial license <- This message will be displayed in bold lettering during the startup screen.
100+ universes of output
Comes with standard dimmer and colour mixing fixtures only
Unlock additional fixtures for $50 each (email to request unlocked fixtures)
Email support only

As we are mid versions you will need to download and install the latest build of LightFactory:

Thank you to everyone who has contributed to the discussion that has lead to this product. We will not be advertising this license outside of the Christmas lighting community.
As an extra incentive to the community, if we reach the 100 unit sale target that started this discussion within the next 3 months then I will remove the additional fixture restriction and unlock all fixtures to those first 100 customers.

I have been asked offline to clarify the fixture restriction further.

Is a string or strips of RGBs considers a single fixture (and new type)?

No, you would patch any string of RGBs as just X number of RGB fixtures. You can then choose to group these or put them into a matrix.
You will not need to purchase a fixture type ($50) to deal with them.

In LightFactory you can think of every pixel as a channel/fixture. You can then choose after patching them how you want to group them, lay them out in the channel display or put them into a 2D matrix.

I hope this help.
I for one will be getting this software, so please let us know when it has finished testing etc.

Firstly, i would like to thank you for your time and thoughts already put into this and this offer is great in itself.
Once we get some knowledgable people across the hobby that use this software it will become in some ways self supporting and I for one am looking forward to the future.

Now a sort of a question.

After playing around over the weekend, this is starting to make sense, one thing i haven't worked out yet is how to set up a chase across groups of fixtures.
This is something that is important especially with the Pixel Megatrees used in the displays.
How i see it at the moment one vertical string of 50 Pixels is a group of 50 RGB Fixtures. A Megatree may have 24 of these around the tree so we have 1200 RGB fixtures with 24 groups. What i can see is a way to "chase"/"rotate" the lights around the tree.
The work by Sean gives great insight into some of the things we as a community are trying to do this year.
Some of it may well be easier to do by just treating the tree as a Matrix.

Update: I am working on the personal edition of LightFactory and hope to have something to post to this community early next week.


Thanks for the update.

Considering the amount of discussion in Chat over the days i'm surprised there hasn't been more questions raised.

I think most people are sitting back to see where this is going, and hoping someone does the work to help understand how it can fit into what we do. It is a different technique to sequencing than we have been used to with Lightshowpro, LOR and Vixen grid type sequencers.

I for one understand cue lists and prefer to drive my display using this method, mainly because I have a lot of RGB and using Madrix effects makes the most sense to me which can be easily driven on the timeline via remote dmx. However adding the ability in a cue to drive other elements with discrete control of each rgb pixel is also attractive. Over time I am sure that we will make our cues available to others just like we do with sequences and hopefully LightFactory will allow import/export of individual cues.

Now I think that the concept of exporting cues seems like a good idea but not sure how usefull it would be if the importer didn't have the same fixture set.

Whilst i'm sure that this is possible i haven't yet worked out how to use a group of fixtures in a cue as though they were a single fixture.

I may still not have my mind in the right space yet.

Finally this is starting to click and come together.

Now dumb question, is there anyway to have other effects like chases played inside the timeline effect.

I've built chases now but would love to timeline them.


Yep, watched the various videos and the ones done in the last few days seemed targetted at this audience without saying so and they did help,

I'm getting more confident in being able to do some basic how to intro videos (that may even help Martin further understand us as well) to get people starting but i'm now circling waiting on LightFactory Personal.

any news Martin?

I am pleased to announce after much discussion that we have created a personal edition of LightFactory specifically for this community.

This product is available for $499 and can be purchased from this link:

This license is similar to the 100+ universe professional edition of LightFactory that is valued at $5000 (a 90% discount).

The following restrictions will be applied to the personal edition:
Non commercial license <- This message will be displayed in bold lettering during the startup screen.
100+ universes of output
Comes with standard dimmer and colour mixing fixtures only
Unlock additional fixtures for $50 each (email to request unlocked fixtures)
Email support only

As we are mid versions you will need to download and install the latest build of LightFactory:

Thank you to everyone who has contributed to the discussion that has lead to this product. We will not be advertising this license outside of the Christmas lighting community.
As an extra incentive to the community, if we reach the 100 unit sale target that started this discussion within the next 3 months then I will remove the additional fixture restriction and unlock all fixtures to those first 100 customers.

Hi Martin,

I have issues with both links. To buy The link gives an error:

"Missing Shop ID"

To download, it says the page is not available.

msearancke said:
As an extra incentive to the community, if we reach the 100 unit sale target that started this discussion within the next 3 months then I will remove the additional fixture restriction and unlock all fixtures to those first 100 customers.



Firstly thank you for getting this release out and available.

Secondly, the offer above is a great one and I really hope that the community does make the numbers but i suspect there will be a lot of fence sitters till some people can show off how to do things.

I for one will be working on some videos over the next week as i find some time.
