LightFactory Personal - Comments and Questions

Thanks, I look forward to seeing your videos.

I am planning to do some more videos on how to use a matrix in LF next week. There is a lot of power that's not completely obvious.

This week however I am a little preoccupied with the arrival of my new daughter (born on Tuesday).

Thanks Martin, I was able to complete the license conversion successfully, there was one point in the swreg process after I pressed continue at the top right on the page which took me back to the LF purchase page, I went back and pressed continue at the bottom of the page and it took me to paypal as expected.

congrats to you, mum and new daughter

msearancke said:
Sorry here is the purchase link:

And here is the download:

Sorry I did a copy and past from the DIY site and it mashed up the URLs.

AussiePhil said:
msearancke said:
As an extra incentive to the community, if we reach the 100 unit sale target that started this discussion within the next 3 months then I will remove the additional fixture restriction and unlock all fixtures to those first 100 customers.



Firstly thank you for getting this release out and available.

Secondly, the offer above is a great one and I really hope that the community does make the numbers but i suspect there will be a lot of fence sitters till some people can show off how to do things.

I for one will be working on some videos over the next week as i find some time.

It was late my time when tried to go to the links, and was remiss to extend thanks as well. We appreciate your efforts to help out this community.
AussiePhil said:
Secondly, the offer above is a great one and I really hope that the community does make the numbers but i suspect there will be a lot of fence sitters till some people can show off how to do things.

I for one will be working on some videos over the next week as i find some time.
I'm certainly a fence sitter that may be interested once I can work out the angle - if it was $200, I'd just get it, but for $500, I'd have to be sure that I was going to use it.

Looking forward to your videos Phil
AussiePhil said:
Secondly, the offer above is a great one and I really hope that the community does make the numbers but i suspect there will be a lot of fence sitters till some people can show off how to do things.

I for one will be working on some videos over the next week as i find some time.


Agreed, Although I understand the concept I'm still having an a bit of a issue wrapping my head around it. I'm also still having an issue with the audio timeline getting messed up that I need to work with Martin on but I want to make sure it's not a Parallels problem since that's how I run Windows on my Mac. I've either got to load windows directly on the Mac in dual boot mode or reload an old PC out of my bone yard to test on neither of which I'm really fond of doing :(

Can't wait to see what you come up with.
I think this has been asked, but I have not found a response. Is this only a single computer license? A lot of us have build and show computers so does this license accomodate that? Thanks.

with no license installed on LightFactory it will operate fine, just no DMX output.

The license can be transfered between systems so when you are playing with your show development computer you can license it and get output to test, then when you need to run it on your show computer you deactivate and transfer the license file.
I am somewhat confused by the fixture limitation. I have a few dmx devices such as moving heads, lasers, fog and snow machines, etc. manufactured by different companies such as Chauvet, American DJ, and some "no brand" fixtures from China. How are fixtures defined as far as the additional $50 requirement to unlock them. Is a separate fee required for each brand or type of fixture? Does the basic license limit use to only pixel control?
It would require $50 for each of the fixture types. If the fixture is missing from LF we will add it as part of the fee.

A matrix is simply a 2x2 array of fixtures in LF and is unrelated to the fixture limitation of this version.

You can create a matrix of conventional's if you want and LF will still try and map the colour (turns it into a grey scale and applies it as a level). You can also mix the fixture types in a matrix and you can have as many matrices as you like. So for example a matrix might contain some conventionals, some RGBs and some CMY moving lights and LF will work out as best it can how to apply the colour to the fixture.

The personal edition will allow you to control any 1 channel fixture (like a dimmer) and/or any fixture that has only colour mixing (RGB, CMY, HSI) only. So a fixture that has a dimmer and RGB control is included but a fixture that has RGB, dimmer, strobe, and zoom (for example) is not included for free.

I hope this makes sense.
I am planning to post a video next week that shows the 3 ways you can use a matrix in LF. I think you will be impressed at how powerful the matrix engine is in the software.

this is good information Martin.

btw would you have a video of how you programmed the display last year with the video tree's, and what did you use for the bush lights around the set?

I was very impressed by what you could do with LF for that display and gives us hope for what we can do in our displays.

I don't have any video sorry as security was very tight and things like that were restricted.

The tree's that you see in that video are run off a product called Watchout. This is what does all of the complex masking to the shape of the tree. Watchout also played the audio track and a SMPTI track.
We had LF setup to play the audio track (and used that for a lot of the programming) but in the end the decision was made to use the video as the master sync. LF can also output timecode if necessary.

For LightFactory we had one master cue list that fired off about 20 other cue lists for different parts of the show. Every cue list listened to the same timecode and took their triggers from that.
The wind swirls for example where a series of one shot effects that started at staggered intervals.
The dove at the end is a good example of the use of the timeline effect.

There is so much detail that's is impossible to cover it in a post like this.

All I would say is that the best way to use LightFactory is to think in building blocks and layers. The strength of LF is its ability to layer a lot of things together to create the final product.
Start by story-boarding the show and that will give you the cues you want in the master cue list. Then create the effects and looks you want to put into each cue.

thanks for this information Martin, now I see what you were doing. I am using madmapper and millumin for video mapping and I can see what a great job you did in your display.

I like the comments regarding creating a master cuelists that call sub cue's and the use of timecode will allow us to take our displays to the next level compared to the sequencer grid based programs that we have been using.

I have a lot of rgb pixels in my display and see the benefit of driving them via programmed cues/looks and the master cuelist was the component I was missing in my mind of driving it.

I like the story boarding idea for programming your display, that makes a lot of sense as you add these cuelists.

last but not least I look forward to seeing what you come up with in led matrix effect tutorial video, that an exciting area that we are playing in with the way we program our megatree's, minitree'd and matrices in our display using 10's of universe of dmx controlled pixels.

in So Cal
Sorry if this has already been asked and I missed it,

I downloaded the demo and will start checking it out today,

Do I call a routine from with in LSP or does this replace LSP?