Looking for a 12 volt timer


New elf
Jan 1, 2012
Twin Falls, ID
So there is a large parking lot across the street from my display. I have a donation box setup over there, and I want to run some 12 lights so people can see it. Since there is no way to get power over there, I'm going to use a car battery or a jump pack. Then use an $8 DMX module cycling through test mode run about 1 meter of RGB strip. I'll probably have to charge the battery every other day.

Does any body know of a 12 volt timer that could work in a setup like this? I don't need it to run all day and night. Just during show times to conserve the battery. Has anyone tried using a simple AC timer on 12 volts? I didn't know if it would slow the clock in the timer, or if it would even work at all.
i was looking at this 12v timer way before the season,
but i fear it could take too long to be delivered for ya..
I use a couple of metres of battery powered strip running from a 12vdc rechargable battery. I get a good 3 nights of use (approx 6 to 8 hours) before needing a charge.

Another option is to just buy a heap of solar white lights and use those, then its just leave and forget.
I Have used a 12 volt sundown sensor with timer from a lighting shop they are used for path lights and they allow you to set how long they stay on after dark

I brought mine from bunning hardware store (australia)

Regards Jeff Rae