Making Led string for DC use


New elf
Nov 13, 2011
If I want to cut a set of Big W LEDs in half, what type of wire do I use for the second half to make the extention back to the controller? Also on the first half should you leave the connectors on?
kwiksmart said:
The string set only has three wires, so what do you do with the fourth wire?
Make it sit in the corner. :D Nah. just pick one to snip off at either end.

For those arches, you might be better off just getting them from with the connectors and cable length you want.
Have been reading up on what people ordered from mysolarled, and was wondering why the lights are only 2 wires. Don't you need the common wire like on the big w lights.
You can get LED strings with varying number of channels. Usually, the number of wires coming out the end is the number of channels + 1. So a 2 channel string (like Big W type where every 2nd LED is on a different channel) will have 3 wires. The my-solar ones you saw were 1 channel (all on together) I'd say so are 2 wire. Make sense?