Mapping LOR into xLights with CCR's


New elf
Sep 3, 2012
Andrews, Texas
I'm trying to convert my ~10k channels to run in Xlights. Here's my show breakdown-

268 LOR Channels to 22 CTB16's and iDMX1000 on LOR Regular
900 DMX to 6 CCR's, plus 6ch to CTB16 (star) on LOR AuxA
900 DMX to 6 CCR's on LOR AuxB
8454 DMX on e.131 Network (J1 P2's, P12, D2's) Universe #'s are not sequential and have gaps.

I've started with only cells used on original LOR Regular Network.
With xLights config set for 300 on LOR Regular, only 87 map. With config set to 800, only 257 map.
When I bumped it past 1000, it finally maxed out at 266, and sequence appears to play.
Once I move to DMX cells on the other networks, it goes to poop. 2865 did map. Lots of errors like CCR1 channel conflicts with CCR6. It apparently isn't distinguishing between AuxA and AuxB, or between B1 unit ID or B7 unit ID.

Any suggestions? I've attached both a layout and a screenshot of my xLights setup tab.


  • 2013 Network Layout.pdf
    66.3 KB · Views: 11
  • xlights-setup.jpg
    333.2 KB · Views: 24
As far as I remember from some previous post - nutcracker does not map CCRs. It is set up to map 16 channel LOR controllers only.

I have not heard of a update in the mean time that addresses this and I am not aware of a workaround. This was the reason I ran my show through LOR last year and not Nutcracker.

I am unsure if Nutcracker will address CCRs if you run them in DMX mode but this is what I want to try this year.

Sean can probably provide better answers.
I'm thinking the LOR CCR controllers are an issue. They aren't set for "legacy" id's. I think I'd be better off to either go with a P12 to control them, just like my WS2811's on my hor grid, OR, get a DR4 and put 3 on each universe. (LOR IDs "01, 0B, and 15" which should be dmx 1, 161, and 321.

I also realized I screwed up by having first Universe on e.131 as Universe 1. Moving to to not conflict with LOR network.

I'm thinking that I may try to sequence everything but the new mega pixel tree in LOR, then bring into xLights and have the 64x170 pixel tree all done in Nutcracker on top of it.

Got to do something as I'm dead in the water now trying to work/play in LOR with ~40k channels.
So do I have to renumber all of my Universes from "2" sequentially, to match up between E.131 column, and the LOR Mapping column. If so, any easier way then editing file with Notepad++?
FYI- I haven't got the CCR's Aux networks figured out. But I have found my MAJOR shortcoming that led to a week of frustration.
I originally had 33 LOR CTB16's, numbered from 1-33. I've taken a few out here and there over the years. I had counted all of the controllers in actually still in use, and used that # X 16 for the # of the last channel in LOR Regular network.
First of all, LOR has 0A-OF between 9 &10, 1A-1F between 19 and 20, etc.
My ID "20" controller, is actually #32, as you have to count the 12 that I never used.
Second of all, you have to include all possible unit's, between the lowest and highest, even if they aren't used.
Hence, If you have two controllers remaining, ID "01" and "33", the last channel is not 32, it's 784.

This may be obvious to most, but I'm even more bald now.
The LOR addresses works in hexadecimal notation meaning it is 16 base numbering so instead of 1 to 10 you have 1 thru 9 and then A thu F before the next sequence starts i.e.:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F 10
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1A 1B 1C 1D 1E 1F 20

Hope this helps