Mega tree Base


Apprentice elf
Dec 6, 2021
Quick question,

Has anyone used 50mm conduit, and bent that to make a Mega tree base? It comes in 4m lengths which quick math tells me is the perfect length. Just add heat and bend hard could it be.... ???

I had been planning on finding a 2.5m Trampoline Base but no luck yet and I am starting to stress😳
I have used a circle ring made from 20mm conduit for 5 years.
It works but only for lightweight lights. I would not use this to hold nodes in mounting strip.

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I bent this with a heat gun and very carefully tried not to let it kink. A lot harder when you do not have a spring to place inside.
I have 50mm aluminium pipe, but not conduit, as my base works well enough just be prepared to grab a couple bags of gravel to weigh it down. Roughly where abouts are you I might know someone who unfortunately has a sightly bent out of shape trampoline after recent storms.
50mm conduit sounds like a real PIA to bend to by hand. Check facebook marketplace usually be a few trampolines listed some for free or not too many dollars
I got a free 1.8m wide trampoline off facebook. Works like a champ... and it was free! and they delivered it once they found out I was the crazy Christmas lights man with the singing penguin from up the road. This years tree is super solid with that. Next year it's going up a bit more. xD
wouldn't you just go to a car exhaust repairs place and ask them to roll up what ever daiameter ring your after in something like 40 / 50mm tube
Thanks everyone, I live in the Adelaide hills.

Been looking on facebook but everyone I message, responded sorry it is gone. I did consider buying a new one from bunnings, and cutting it up but it feels wasteful.

Car exhaust could be a good option I will google what is around me.
I used exhaust tube for the base of my tree. I just had to bend it into the circle which was pretty annoying, but it worked out okay. It worked really well tho.
Thanks everyone, I live in the Adelaide hills.

Been looking on facebook but everyone I message, responded sorry it is gone. I did consider buying a new one from bunnings, and cutting it up but it feels wasteful.

Car exhaust could be a good option I will google what is around me.
$50 cheaper from Kmart #justsayin #notsponsored :)
Facebook Marketplace is a good place for free mini trampolines to those who can collect/remove them. Might not be adds in the hills, but maybe expand the search area to the suburbs closer to Adelaide?
I gave up and when with the conduit, will try to pick up something for next year's show, how knew Kmart watch's xlights forums. lol

It's been raining all weekend, 11 deg and windy as hell. I don't think we are getting summer this year, really wanted to test everything today, oh well next weekend it is.